標題: Adidas Craig Smith Jersey SFEP
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-3 07:53  資料 私人訊息 
Adidas Craig Smith Jersey SFEP
Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice) Chairman Renis Morian has expressed grave concerns over theChairman Renis Morianrecent interest expressed by Asian company, Rong An Inc. to undertake large-scale logging within the region.On Monday, Morian referred to an article published in the Stabroek News, under the caption,Throwback Jerseys, “Rong An Inc eyeing large-scale logging.”According to the article, the company “has applied to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for environmental authorization to undertake large scale logging and the operation of a portable sawmill within SFEP 02/2011 located on the right Bank of the Berbice River in an investment pegged at US$20 million.”The Chairman noted with concern that,Wholesale Jerseys, according to the article, the company had received a State Forest Exploratory Permit (SFEP) from Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) designated 2/2011 for an area of 57,NFL Jerseys Cheap,929 hectares of forest resources in the upper right bank Berbice River.He expressed his dissatisfaction over the volume, noting that the people of the Region are custodians of the lands. He was surprised to learn that the company is eying large-scale logging in the Region.“The irony of this article is that the residents and the Regional Democratic Council of Region Ten, we are not aware of this kind of investment. We felt that that kind of operation ended when the past administration was in place… but we recognize some of the same old,NFL Jerseys China, same old happening again.“Nobody called the Regional Chairman’s office, no application came to us in Region Ten. I am saying that we are totally up in arms against this investment.”Additionally, the Chairman has made calls to be granted access to the scope of the investment,Jerseys NFL Cheap, on behalf of the people of Region Ten.? He noted that he wishes to peruse the document to receive first-hand information on how many people would be employed, and other relevant information.He referred to the move as “total disrespect” to the people of Region Ten, establishing the need for dialogue.Morian said,Cheap NFL Jerseys, “We would not agree to Rong An being given any concession or green-light to work in Region Ten except this company come in and have a talk with us, that the people and the leaders could be aware of what is happening.“It is too long that this has been going on in Region Ten. Residents can’t get two acres of land to plant in Region Ten…This nonsense must stop and if the authorities can’t stop it, then the people themselves will have to stop Rong An. We are prepared to do that”.He added that the raping of the resources in the Region needs to stop while he urged that the EPA and Lands and Surveys Commission step up to their mandate.Morian said the residents and leaders of the Region have a right to have a say in its affairs.