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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-2 18:01  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys NFL Wholesale clients
Mark Benschop once again appeared in court, this time to answer to significantly milder charges. Benschop and Norris Witter,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, Acting General Secretary of the Guyana Trade Union Congress, yesterday appeared in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court to jointly answer the charges of unlawful assembly and disorderly behaviour.Mark Benschop (at right),Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Norris Witter and GTUC President Lincoln Lewis, President of the Caribbean Congress of Labour (CCL),NFL Jerseys Outlet, was also expected in court yesterday, but he is at present in Barbados. Both Benschop and Witter pleaded not guilty to both charges.The police ranks cited as the virtual complainants; Inspector Patrick Todd and Chief of Police Terrence Brown, were also no shows at yesterday’s proceedings.It is alleged that Benschop and Witter, on July 15 last, unlawfully assembled outside the Office of the Commissioner of Police,Adam Joseph Duhe Dolphins Jersey, Eve Leary,Wholesale China Jerseys, Georgetown. They allege that the men, who have been dubbed the three musketeers, resisted arrest and assaulted police; these offences however did form part of the charges.Attorney-at-Law Khemraj Ramjattan described the protests as peaceful and well within the boundaries of the law.? “My clients only reminded them that they (clients) could protest peacefully anywhere in Guyana,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, expressions which indicated that (the) police weren’t doing (their) job right”. Ramjattan went on to say that Lewis should be within the jurisdiction for the next court date.Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson placed both Benschop and Witter on self bail, and set the next court appearance for September 3.