標題: Cheap Jerseys From China acting on information
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-1 05:36  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys From China acting on information
Two constables attached to the traffic department at Central Police Station, New Amsterdam, yesterday appeared at the Whim Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Charlyn Artiga to answer to the charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.Bharat Shattapaul, 28, of 45 Princeton, Corriverton,Throwback Jerseys, Berbice and Delroy Fraser, 24 , of 31-32 Belladrum Village West Coast Berbice, pleaded not guilty to the charge against them.Attorney-at-law Chandra Sohan – representing Shattapaul and standing in for Fraser, whose attorney Kim Kyte- John was absent – in his application for bail for his client (Shattapaul),NFL Jerseys From China, outlined several reasons for bail to be granted.According to Sohan, his client has a medical condition (bronchial asthma) that he has been battling for the past ten years which will serve as a health risk if incarcerated. A medical report was presented to the court. He also pointed out that his client is not at a flight risk and further explained that given the fact that he is a serving member of the Guyana Police Force, having him incarcerated with inmates he would’ve dealt with during his years will be a security risk on his behalf.Sohan also stated that his client was not present when his car was broken into by the police. He said that Shattapaul was on an assignment to drop an envelope at the Whim Police Station under the instructions of the deputy Commander Kevin Adonis. He also noted that according to his client, the second accused, Fraser, used his car for the entire day.Bail was also requested for Fraser and was objected to by Prosecutor Phillip Sheriff for both accused, given the quantum of narcotics discovered and the nature and prevalence of the offence. Bail was subsequently refused by Magistrate Artiga. The accused were both remanded to prison, and the matter was set for reassignment by the chief magistrate for December 30.According to the facts of the case, Shattapaul,College Jerseys, who has been a serving member of the Guyana Police Force Traffic Department for the past eight years, and Fraser,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, who only joined in March of this year, were returning to Region Six using the force’s vehicle (bus) on the 19th December, 2016, when it is alleged that the driver, Constable Shattapaul, in the company of Fraser, received two parcels from an unidentified individual on the West Coast of Berbice.It was revealed by police sources that after returning to Region Six,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Shattapaul instructed Fraser to drive his (Shattapaul’s) car, bearing license plate number HC 3179, to Vryman’s Erven, New Amsterdam, where the contents were transferred from the bus to the trunk of the car.The car was then driven back to Coburg Street, in front the Central Police Station and parked. Shortly after, acting on information, the acting Commander of B Division Mr Errol Watts together with other senior ranks ventured to the Constable’s car parked on the street, and both ranks were asked to report to the location as well. The keys were requested from Shattapaul, to which he refused. Both ranks denied knowledge of where the car keys were, following which the Commander instructed that a window of the car be smashed to allow access to the door and further access to the trunk. The trunk was eventually unlocked and two parcels wrapped in tape were discovered. Closer inspection of the contents revealed that it contained seeds, stems and leaves, confirmed to be marijuana. Both parties were present when the trunk was searched,Adidas Craig Smith Jersey, they, however denied any knowledge of the contents. It was later weighed and amounted to 5 kg of cannabis sativa (marijuana).Both ranks were immediately placed under close arrest.