標題: Wholesale Jerseys Group through his attorney
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-14 13:37  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys Group through his attorney
After more than 16 months, Corriverton’s Deputy Mayor,Bobby Orr Jersey, Jamna Persaud Ghamandi, returned to meetings of the Town Council last week following a ruling by Justice William Ramlal, quashing his suspension.Ghamandi had moved to the court to challenge the August 11, 2008 decision of the Corriverton Town Council to place him on leave and to suspend him.Justice Ramlal had made the decision on December 16,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, last year.Ghamandi, through his attorney, Maurice Rajkumar,Wholesale China Jerseys, had claimed that the suspension was unlawful, unfair and unreasonable and was in breach of the rules of natural justice and in contravention of the Municipal and District Council’s Act Chapter 28:01.He had also challenged the Council to show cause why it should not be prevented from interfering with his right to participate in all the affairs of the Corriverton Town Council in his capacity as the Deputy Mayor and/or Councilor.Ghamdani also asked the court to compel the Council to reinstate him as Deputy Mayor and Councilor.The matter had its genesis in the destruction of a revetment at Ghamdani’s residence at number 79 Village Corriverton, Corentyne on September 14, 2006.According to Ghamdani, the Council through its agent or employee, unlawfully destroyed his revetment.Following that action, Ghamdani entered into a written agreement with the Council, who accepted liability for the destruction and agreed to remedy it.Subsequently, the Corriverton Town Council wrote to Ghamdani requesting an extension of three months for the works to be done.But according to the Town’s Deputy Mayor, the Council failed to honour the original agreement as well as the subsequent extension.In order to avoid the matter going to court, Ghamdani wrote several letters seeking the intervention of the Region Six Democratic Council and the Minister of Local Government but to no avail.After exhausting all avenues for an amicable settlement of the matter, Ghamdani moved to the High Court and filed an action against the Corriverton Town Council to recover damages for the destruction of the revetment.But after the writ was filed, the Corriverton Town Council held an extra-ordinary meeting on August 12, 2008 and a decision was taken to send Ghamdani on leave until the court matter was ‘finished’, a decision he said was influenced by the Mayor,Jerseys From China, Roy Baijnauth.Ghamdani believed that the suspension amounted to a dismissal from office, as the court proceedings were not likely to be determined through the court and possible appeals before Local Government Elections.According to Ghamdani,Cheap Jerseys Online, the Municipal and District Council’s Act, under which the Corriverton Town Council derives its authority, does not make provisions for the suspension of a Councilor or Deputy Mayor on the ground that he or she has filed a high court action against the Council in the circumstances.He contended that the Corriverton Town Council’s action against him was arbitrary and illegal based on irrelevant matters.“Further I was never invited to the meeting of the 11th day of August 2008,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, at which the decision was taken to suspend me.And as such I was not given a hearing,” the Corriverton Town Council Deputy Mayor stated in his affidavit.After listening to the argument of both parties, Justice Ramlal issued the order for Ghamdani to be reinstated both as Deputy Mayor and Councilor.