標題: Jerseys From China her sister Samantha Clarke
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-11 17:12  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys From China her sister Samantha Clarke
It was just supposed to be a brief drive-out before Elonora and Patrick Layne returned to the United States of America; instead, it ended in tragedy when 31-year-old Sonita Thomas perished on the spot following a horrific collision Saturday night at the main Enmore junction on the East Coast of Demerara.The accident, which occurred? at about 22:40 hours, left many onlookers in a state of disbelief as they stared at the wreckage of two cars and the badly mutilated body of Thomas lying on the roadway.Thomas was killed when the car in which she was traveling,Nike NFL Jerseys China, PKK 8288, was slammed from the left side by another car, PLL 1485, which was reportedly speeding.The dead woman’s mother, Desiree Thomas, her son,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Dante, and a cousin. Thomas, a mother of one and a resident of Seventh Street, Dazell Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara, was sitting in the left rear seat of the vehicle that was struck, and she bore the brunt of the impact.Three other persons who were in the same car with Thomas, her sister Samantha Clarke,Jerseys Cheap NFL, US-based Guyanese Elonora Layne and Gillian Culley, are hospitalized nursing various injuries.The drivers of the two cars escaped with minor injuries; and after being held in custody overnight, were admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital yesterday.However, there are reports that one of the drivers took his own discharge and relocated to a private medical institution.In a press release, the police stated that their investigations have so far revealed that motor car PLL 1485, driven by Faraz Mohamed of Enmore, and motor car PKK 8288, driven by US-based Patrick Layne of Paradise, ECD, were travelling in opposite directions along the roadway.It is alleged that the driver of PKK 8288 turned across the road to enter an access road and collided with the other vehicle.But some eyewitnesses have disputed the police version, claiming that the driver of PLL 1485 was drag racing with another vehicle when the collision occurred.The police were unable to confirm this up to press time.The accident occurred hours before Elonora Layne and her husband Patrick, the driver of PKK8288, were scheduled to return to New York.The dead woman, Sonita Thomas, was scheduled to return to Barbados, where she was resident up to early last year.Her distraught mother, Desiree Thomas, called ‘Leenie,’ related to this newspaper that her two daughters, their cousin and her husband had left the home, saying that they were just going for a drive.The woman said that, at about 23:00 hours, she began receiving a series of telephone calls which informed of her daughter’s demise.At the time, Desiree Thomas was caring for her elderly mother and could not leave the house to confirm the news that she had received.She even got a telephone call from another relative in the United States, and it was only then that the reality of the tragedy sunk in.“I wake my mother up and told her ‘something happen, like Sonita dead or something’. I start hearing them phone call,” Thomas recalled.“She (Sonita) get an open ticket to go to Barbados. She was to go in October but she keep putting it off and said she going in February month, when she done put away for Christmas. This is the open ticket that I get,” Desiree Thomas cried.She said that when she subsequently visited the mortuary, she could recognize her daughter only by the little piece of hair that was left on what remained of her head.When Kaieteur News visited the hospital yesterday, relatives of the deceased were still in shock.One of the survivors, Gillian Culley, said that she was accompanying Layne and her husband, who had recently returned from the US, to a wedding at Enmore.Culley said that she was seated in the back of the car when she felt a “sudden impact,” and she was immediately rendered unconscious by the impact.She said that she later regained consciousness in a car, being rushed to the hospital.Culley suffered a broken jaw as a result of the accident.Another occupant of the vehicle,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Elonora Layne, said that she and her husband Patrick Layne, who was the driver of the vehicle,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, recently came home for the holidays.The woman said that she, her husband and the other occupants of the vehicle were heading to a wedding at Enmore.Layne explained, “I just felt a quick but hard impact from behind and I awoke in the hospital.”She cried in pain as she spoke to Kaieteur News, lamenting that she was supposed to be back in America yesterday.Layne suffered neck injures and was also complaining about a stomach pain.The other occupant, Samantha Clarke, who was still in shock, could not be told of her sister’s demise.She was