標題: Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale 21
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-20 09:34  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale 21
“Hold de faith!” and “We know is not y’all do it!” were some of the passionate cries of family and friends of the two taxi drivers accused of killing Regent Multiplex Mall owner, Ganesh Ramlall.In a packed courtroom, Lennox ‘Soldier Man’ Roberts, and Fazeel ‘Javed’ Bacchus, appeared before Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday for the murder of the businessman.Roberts, 32, of 2279 Tuschen Housing Scheme,Cheap NFL Jerseys, East Bank Essequibo and Bacchus, 21, of Lot 7 Anna Catherina, West Coast Demerara, were not required to plead to the capital offence of murder.It is alleged that on July 5, last, at La Jalousie, West Coast Demerara, they murdered Ramlall, also known as ‘Boyo’, during the course of a robbery.Ironically, “Soldier Man” was clad in a camouflage jersey, perhaps to place emphasize on his alias. As the charge was read to them, he constantly nodded his head though he remained silent. Instead, his lawyer did the speaking for him.Roberts’ Attorney informed the court that his client was tortured by the police during his time in custody. He asked the court for his client to be sent for medical attention because he had been experiencing pain in the abdomen.The Attorney claimed that Roberts had been passing blood in his urine.Further, the lawyer said that Roberts is strongly denying the allegation and that he has no prior matters before a court. He added that his client is a father of three and is currently expecting another child.Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones, presented the prosecution’s case and did not provide the court with any facts.On the other hand,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Bacchus was unrepresented and only spoke to provide basic details about himself.Possibly in mourning, he was clad simply in black and white and stood calmly throughout the proceedings.They were both remanded to prison until August 3 when they will appear at the Leonora Magistrate’s Court.Relatives were seen crying and could be heard loudly berating the police after the men were taken back to the holding cell.However,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, though the court proceedings were short,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, it took the court some time to settle down following the men’s exit.Even before the men arrived shortly after 13:00 hours, the court complex was buzzing with anticipation.Reporters and photographers had been camped out in the court since the morning hours awaiting the arrival of the alleged hardcore criminals.Around midday, several persons who appeared to be relatives turned up in droves while curious persons also turned out to catch an up close glimpse of the men accused of the shocking murder.The wait was not in vain; heralded by the sounds of sirens, Roberts and Bacchus arrived at the court under heavy guard by plainclothes police officers. The shackled and handcuffed men were quickly ushered into the holding cell as persons clamoured to see them.“Clear my stairs!” one senior officer yelled as persons swarmed around to steal a look; after some grumbling,Cheap Jerseys Online, they soon acquiesced.Roberts,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, after spotting the huge crowd that awaited the duo’s arrival, used his hands to cover his eyes as he entered the compound. However, one thing was apparent; he was clearly crying.Even after the men were taken back to prison, their supporters did not leave the court complex. The men had a large number of supporters who had to be asked on numerous occasions to exit the court compound because of their perceived disorderly behaviour.According to reports, on July 5, last, Ramlall had just returned home from a barbecue and had gone to use the outside bathroom. The 48-year-old businessman was reportedly confronted by four men who shot him to the head and chest and took away his jewellery, a wallet and escaped.Ramlall was later pronounced dead on arrival at the West Demerara Regional Hospital.The bandits prematurely aborted the attack when an alarm was raised by the businessman’s wife and neighbours.Ramlall’s relatives and friends responded by posting a $5M reward for information that would lead to the capture and prosecution of his killers.