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Nike NFL Jerseys China but to this request
– Asst. Commissioner testifiesBy Zena Henry As the High Court case into the alleged wrongful dismissal of former Superintendent of Police Simon McBean continues,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Assistant Commissioner of Police Balram Persaud took the stand on Monday as one of the defence witnesses.Persaud testified before Chief Justice Ian Chang that according to documentation, there had been no breach of procedure or regulation by McBean prior to his departure to the United Kingdom to pursue academic upliftment.Apart from being Assistant Commissioner, Persaud said he is also Deputy Commissioner (Administration) and in that capacity, he is responsible for the procedural aspect of force members seeking toFormer Superintendent of Police Simon McBean.attain any type of leave.Holding this position, Persaud said, gave him access to McBean’s personal file and he could thus testify to information of McBean’s application for leave.While being led by Defence Attorney Patrice Henry, the administration officer said that he is stationed at the force’s headquarters at Eve Leary. He said he is responsible for all matters of leave for regular and auxiliary staffers of the force, before explaining that to attain leave of any kind, police officers, particularly inspectors and officers,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, would have to apply for leave through their various heads of department.Persaud said the applications would be processed through administration before they reach the Ministry of Home Affairs. The processing procedure, he said, is aided by a staff officer – one who works under his guidance in recommending the type of leave and the duration. The request is then delivered to the Home Affairs office for approval.Once approval is refused or denied,Cheap Jerseys Online, the document is return to the force’s administration where the Commissioner of Police would have preview to it before the applicant is notified as to whether is application was successful or not,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Persaud testified.Reiterating that in the capacity of Deputy Commissioner (Administration) he would have accessed McBean’s personal file, the senior officer presented it to the court. In perusing the file, Persaud? told the court that McBean, during his time in the force, applied for study leave with pay to pursue studies in global policing offered by the British government. He said that this application was refused by the Home Affairs Ministry,Cheap Jerseys China, citing no policy relating to studying overseas for police ranks.The senior officer’s testimony continued that McBean again applied for study leave but this time without pay; but to this request, McBean got no response from the Ministry.He said McBean was granted annual leave instead of study leave – in excess of 100 days – and it was stated the location in Britain that the officer was going and that should any difficulty arise,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, the relevant contact should be made with the force.McBean therefore went on his annual leave the court heard, and while studying during that time, he got ill. Persaud said that McBean did send in the relevant medical certification, and upon perusal of the former officer’s personal file it highlighted that the record shows no breach of regulation or procedure.He concluded that had there been any violation of the force’s regulations, McBean would have been charged under the Police Disciplinary Act 17:01.Assistant Commissioner of Police Balram Persaud will return to court next Wednesday (May 29) to continue evidence in relation to what transpired while McBean was studying overseas.In 2009, former Superintendent McBean was dismissed from the Police Force for allegedly leaving the country on a study scholarship without permission. McBean is contending that all procedures were followed when he became ill while on annual leave. This however was not the view of the then Commissioner of Police Henry Greene (now deceased), as he dismissed McBean for allegedly breaching the force’s rules.