標題: NCAA Hockey Jerseys HB 8153
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-17 08:27  資料 私人訊息 
NCAA Hockey Jerseys HB 8153
Relatives are raising questions about the death of a 23-year-old taxi driver who police say perished in an accident on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway on Wednesday night, but who relatives believe was murdered.Reports are that Damien Lindore,Cheap Jerseys From China, called ‘Pinta’ or Dimi’, and 25-year-old Kemal McCalmont, both of Wisroc, Linden,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, were on their way to a resort on the highway around 22:30 hrs when the driver swerved to avoid hitting a dog.Lindore subsequently lost control of the vehicle which toppled several times.The taxi driver was reportedly flung through the front windscreen of his car, HB 8153, which relatives said he had only bought a few months ago.He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Linden Hospital Complex. His friend,Cheap Jerseys From China, Kemal McCalmont, sustained multiple injuries,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, but his condition is listed as stable. He is being treated at the same hospital.But Lindore’s relatives have suggested that someone staged the accident after killing Lindore and dumping him on the highway.Lindore’s reputed wife, Nikisha Elexey, told Kaieteur News that he had about $700,000 in his possession.But she alleged that the cash, along with his jewellery, were missing when he was found.The woman also said that someone stripped Lindore’s car and she expressed puzzlement that there was “not a drop of blood in the car.”Now resembling an old heap of twisted metal, the car was later towed and left at Lindore’s relatives at One Mile.A cousin of the dead man said that she suspected that he was killed because of certain circumstances surrounding the tragedy. She claimed that Lindore and a friend had left for the resort shortly after 21:00 hrs on Wednesday.Kaieteur News has learnt that about an hour before his death, Lindore and some of his associates had gone on the highway near Kuru Kuru, to strip parts from a Dodge Ram. Lindore also owned a Dodge Ram.A source said that they were confronted by a member of the Kuru Kuru community policing group while stripping the vehicle.Kaieteur News understands that one of the men was apprehended. Lindore and the other associate managed to escape but not before the community policing member damaged his windscreen.Sources close to Lindore said that he was returning to the scene when he either crashed or was slain.Lindore’s reputed wife, Nikisha Elexey, recounted that Lindore had dropped her to work on Wednesday morning. She said he had promised to return to take her and the couple’s three-month-old son to an outing in the community.Elexey said she called him at around 19:00 hrs and Lindore told her that he was “going and set a hustle” on the highway.According to the woman, Lindore had left with three friends.“I called again about an hour later and he tell me that something bad happen.” She said he promised to call back but never did.The woman told Kaieteur News that she attempted to contact Lindore around 20:00 hrs but failed to reach him on his mobile phone. Around the same time, persons informed her that Lindore was involved in an accident.Elexey said she is convinced that it was foul play, as there was no blood in the car, and that the two other friends with whom Lindore left Linden are nowhere to be found.“I want justice to be served; it was not an accident; it was murder!”This sentiment was reiterated by the entire family.And an aunt of the victim said she last saw Lindore at a wash-bay that he owns at Wisroc. She said that Lindore closed the wash-bay around 19:00 hrs and left.Around 20:00 hrs,Cheap Jerseys Online, she received a call from someone who said that her nephew was involved in an accident.One of Lindore’s friends took her to the scene where she saw her nephew lying facedown on the roadway in a pool of blood.“We want the police to do a proper investigation because we suspect foul play,” the aunt said.All of Lindore’s relatives expressed shock at the manner in which he met his death, and a few of them reminisced on the last time they saw him, which was only a few hours before.“Dami cut he hair yesterday morning and he was he usual jovial self, and we did joking around telling he why he don’t will one of dem vehicles to one of we, not knowing that would a be the last time we talking,” one relative said.And his injured friend,Sale NFL Jerseys, Kemal McCalmont, said that Lindore was like a brother to him, and that he could never forget the tragedy.The man said they had swerved to avoid hitting a dog and subsequently turned turtle. He claimed that he was conscious throughout the ordeal.However, he refused to be photographed.