標題: Wholesale Jerseys From China erw0mj4e
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-15 15:44  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys From China erw0mj4e
Was loud music and nuff rum drinking de other day at Diamond Police Station. People who go to mek report trying to get a patrol but de station sergeant telling dem that de patrol celebrating. It tek a while to realize why de four people pun de patrol celebrating.In fact,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, dem boys should a know in advance because dem cops was singing ‘Harry dead’ to de same tune of ‘Sparrow dead’. Is only dem who know suddenly get de point.This was de patrol that arrest Harry because he refuse to give dem a raise. Dem demand $5,Wholesale Jerseys,000. Harry seh he didn’t have,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Argentina-Facundo-Roncaglia-Jersey.html, suh dem cops force him into de tray of dem vehicle and drive away wid him. Dem threaten him wid all kind of thing.In de end dem tek $4,Evan Engram Jersey,000 from Harry and dem lose him but de boy file a report. During de investigation dem same four who now celebrating tell de force that dem never see Harry and that dem don’t know him. Dem forget about security cameras these days.When dem boys check wid dem cameras in de area,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, dem see de four patrol men stopping Harry; dem see when de cops put he motorcycle in dem vehicle and then dem get Harry to go inside.De police start to prepare de file fuh send it to de DPP. David de Ram already was sending home crooked cops. This four know wha been pun de line. Nutten can’t happen now. Harry gone. He crash pun de road.When de four hear de news dem begin a sporting. In fact dem sporting till now and de station sergeant can’t tell dem nutten. De four know that de main witness dead suh there is no case. That is why dem sporting so much. Nobody can’t hold dem back. Is like when a woman break down at a funeral. Nobody can’t hold she back.But dem boys does listen to old people. Dem know de old people saying that wha miss you ain’t pass you.Talk half and walk good Harry