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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-13 06:19  資料 私人訊息 
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Police Commissioner Henry Greene said that the separation of the largest police division in the country, E&F Division,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, and the relocation of its headquarters are under active consideration. The Commissioner was responding to a recommendation made by PNCR-1G Member of parliament, Debra Backer during the debate on this year’s national budget.Backer told the National Assembly that given the geographical size that the division is mandated to cover,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the administration should seriously consider splitting the division into two parts to give it more administrative leverage.The E&F Division covers an area of 152, 000 square kilometers, almost half the total size of Guyana, and despite the relatively small population, is considered one of the most important areas in the fight against criminal activity.The PNCR Member of Parliament said that she sees no rationale for the headquarters of that police division to be located at Eve Leary, while all the other divisional headquarters are situated in the area of operation.“What this shows is a continued non understanding of the scale and scope of the hinterland security problem. More and more people have been killed and there is more violence in our interior,” Backer said.She pointed to Guyana’s vast borders, unpatrolled open spaces, unmonitored airstrip and numerous rivers, which are corridors for illegal narcotics and firearms to be carried to commit crimes on the coast land.According to Backer, the feeling that the coast is insulated from this has been a historical error.“There has been a historical error to underestimate the special dimension of national security. If the PNC did it and they did it wrong and now there is time to change it, we’re saying change it,” Backer pointed out.In an invited comment yesterday,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Police Commissioner Henry Greene said that there was valid reason to relocate the headquarters of the division to Police Headquarters, Eve Leary. He said that at one time the headquarters of the E&F Division was located at Wismar,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Linden but this was reversed when it was noted that because of the geography of some of the interior stations, the ranks still had to travel to Georgetown.Greene believes that since the town of Linden is not as explosive as in previous years,Cheap Jerseys From China, there was no need to locate the divisional headquarters.“It has remained as E&F as one division but it is under consideration. It will just have to be some administrative changes. At the moment Georgetown is the most convenient place,” the Commissioner said.There has been an upsurge in criminal activity in Guyana’s hinterland,Jerseys From China, including several murders and robberies, and because of the vastness and remoteness of the area, it takes the security forces quite a while to effectively respond.