標題: Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey Ministers
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-13 03:51  資料 私人訊息 
Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey Ministers
By Charles L. Griffith, BS (Ag. Eng.) MS (Ag. Proc. Eng.) PEThe increase in Ministers salaries could have been placed in the public domain with different support for such actions, to include indisputable parameters associated with increased workload. The fundamental rudiments associated with the diverse work-loads could have been presented for each Ministry for public debate if needed as well for public consumption.Even without the increased work load public presentation, this new Government of Guyana (GOG) is faced with a humungous task, to correct the multiplicity of existing man-made designed anomalies, of which many may be irreparable, and simultaneously create sustained developmental strategies that would facilitate in time,Jerseys NFL Cheap, increased participation in the decision making process that would affect the livelihood of all Citizens of Guyana, in an improved manner.The increase in salaries for each Minister of the GOG is not catastrophic,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, and very reasonable, as direct function of their respective work-loads.Ministers of the current government work a minimum 16 hours each day for seven days a week and are on call each day.? It does not stop there, the nature of their responsibilities are extremely and cognitively dense. These heavily weighted responsibilities are attached to the general management of individual sector of the service and productive sectors of the COUNTRY.The analysis of the Ministers salaries must capture the internal what, why and how mechanisms or machinery within administrative law upon which NATIONAL DECISIONS are made, and such an evaluation requires in-depth understanding of the design and analysis of public domain policies of which labour is an intrinsic component.The multiplicity of sometimes immeasurable performance oriented stresses sustained in the ministerial portfolio, to provide visionary, applicable, unique and easy to understand policy structures, considering? multilevel factorial with several tiers of sub-structures considerations and possible interactions associated with main inputs such as technical, globalized, managerial, specification based,Nike NFL Jerseys China, legal,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, availability, conformance, economic,? crossed by myriads of block variable features for utility by the end-user (citizen) to facilitate measurable outcomes, must be primary considerations.These above mentioned comprehensive quality policy considerations provide for the legitimate, diverse, bottom up, moral with built-in flexibilities, to generate multiplicities of alternative, definitive cost effective solutions to whatever policy oriented mechanism under consideration.These are the meticulous deliberations that must be laid out for operationalization with quantitative measurements, in order to improve the standard of living of all Guyanese, and therefore may be considered each Minister’s primary core responsibility.This approach to analyze existing public domain policiesas well the formulation of new policies is no easy cut and dry task, since it requires considerable multi-depth deliberations within open as well as closed doors. These above mentioned considerations form the envelope which encloses the what,Cheap Jerseys China, why and how Ministers generate public domain policies to affect the Citizens well-being, and especially those areas that facilitate improvement of the standard of living of all Guyanese.Many mistakes will be made to create the appropriate policies that may be able to transverse along this obstacle laden journey for unity among all races in the Guyana Space (GS), but, the said mistakes can surely be minimized in magnitude and frequency of their occurrences.During the Ministers deliberations due care must be exercised especially in those areas that are intimately attached to the industrialization of the mind boggling multiplicity of marketable natural resources of Guyana.In other words, I submit that the planners (Ministers) have to develop realistic and flexible policy oriented strategies within ID to secure the necessary,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, and almost reliable streams of revenues to finance the diversity of programs across Economic Development; Environment; Industrialization; Foreign Affairs; Institutional; Integration; and Physical Infrastructure.Other areas that will place competitive demands of same revenues are Security; Social Services to include Culture, Education, Health Services, Housing, Labor and Social Welfare Services; Legislature; Commissions and the Judiciary, in an effort to satisfy the outlined requirements for the desired improvements.