標題: Benjamin Stambouli Paris Saint-Germain Jersey 56
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 20:42  資料 私人訊息 
Benjamin Stambouli Paris Saint-Germain Jersey 56
Junior Bourne, the accused in the 2010 Cool Square murder of Canada based Guyanese Rawle Harding, was freed of the indictment on Friday.Bourne, of Lot 687 East Ruimveldt,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Georgetown was found not guilty of the charge by a mixed jury before Supreme Court Judge James Bovell Drakes, after hours of deliberation.During the trial,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, the Prosecution’s chief witness Andre Patterson, Manager of the bar,Throwback Jerseys, told the court that Harding was robbed by two men before he was murdered.According to the evidence presented to the court, Harding, a Canada-based Guyanese was seated at Cool Square Bar, West Ruimveldt, when he was robbed and shot in the abdomen.Harding later succumbed as a result of his injuries. Police investigators had suggested that Harding was shot while resisting the robbery.The incident occurred around 23:20 hrs, while Harding, his cousin Clarence Roberts,Andy Pettitte Jersey, 56,Wholesale China Jerseys, and a taxi driver were at the bar.Two men later entered the bar, pretending to be customers and purchased beverages. The men subsequently pulled out guns and confronted Harding and his cousin. One of them held on to a gold chain that Harding was wearing.When Harding resisted,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, he was shot in the abdomen. The gunmen proceeded to rob the injured man and his associates before fleeing the scene.Harding was later rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he succumbed while receiving medical attention.? Attorney- at- law Natasha Backer represented the state, while Defence Counsel Hukumchand Parag represented the accused.