標題: Marcelo Grohe Jersey Charlestown
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-27 16:21  資料 私人訊息 
Marcelo Grohe Jersey Charlestown
Nineteen-year-old Shawn Austin, of 6 Drysdale Street, Charlestown,Memphis Depay Manchester Jersey, is the country’s latest road fatality. The teen was reportedly run over by a Canter truck while trying to disembark from the vehicle. The incident occurred in Broad Street,James Milner Jersey, Charlestown, yesterday morning.Shawn AustinPolice reports indicate that the teen was coming from the National Stadium, at around 02:45hrs, when the accident occurred. The Canter driver has been identified as Lancelot Cox.According to the teen’s aunt, Gail Ann Bascom, she was made aware of the accident by Austin’s friends who were with him at the time.She explained that Austin left his home at around 21:00 hrs on Saturday evening to attend a show at the stadium. She said that, after the show was finished he probably encountered difficulties with transportation, and may have gotten a drop from the man.The distraught woman said that, according to his friends, he was jumping off the vehicle when his “jeans” became entangled. She further told this newspaper that after Austin’s jeans got hooked to the truck, he fell onto the road and the truck ran over him.The woman explained that her nephew was attempting to jump off of the truck in Board Street, probably to avoid going to town. Bascom said that his friends were telling “the driver to stop, somebody coming off,Rui Manuel Marques Jersey,” but he apparently didn’t hear. The woman said that the driver only stopped when Austin was already under the truck, but by that time it was too late.He was immediately taken to the Georgetown Hospital nursing massive head and chest injures, and died while receiving treatment.According to police sources,David Luiz Jersey, the driver of the Canter truck was subsequently placed on $20,000 station bail. Investigations are continuing.Shawn Austin leaves to mourn his mother,Jeroen Zoet Netherland Jersey, two sisters, and an aunt,Matthias Ginter Jersey, among other relatives.