標題: Virgil van Dijk Jersey the guard
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-26 08:20  資料 私人訊息 
Virgil van Dijk Jersey the guard
By Sharmain CornettePraises are in order for the Guyana Fire Service which not only responded promptly but also helped to save a West Bank Demerara business place from total destruction.A fire of massive proportion during the wee hours of yesterday morning left in its wake several millions of dollars in damage at the Cheddi Sawmill at Pouderoyen.According to reports reaching this newspaper, the fire started just around 02:00 hours in the eastern section of the sawmill and swiftly spread in a south-western direction, destroying dressed lumber and millions in equipment.The fire was first observed by a watchman who hastened to inform Ganesh Cheddi, the owner of the establishment, of the situation around 04:30 hours. Cheddi’s residence is situated at the front of the sawmill.During an interview with this newspaper, Cheddi confirmed that he was first alerted to the situation when he received a call from his watchman. “He (the guard) was at the front but he suppose to be walking around…He must’ve been sleeping because this thing had to start small. If he did call we as soon as the fire started we could have saved these things.”While not many of his materials were destroyed, Cheddi said that he has lost a wealth of equipment which will cause “big downtime” to his business. Among his damaged equipment are a gang saw, his entire filing shop and an overhead crane. In all,Andy Pettitte Jersey, close to 100 feet of the 300 x 35 structure was destroyed, Cheddi estimated.“As soon as I see that fire I know right away that we couldn’t do nothing to save the place. No kind of bucket brigade or fire extinguisher could have put that fire out…Was the whole production area on fire,” Cheddi recounted.Recognising the magnitude of the fire, Cheddi said that he immediately summoned the fire service. And it was within minutes he recalled that a fire engine with officers ready to tackle the blaze arrived from the Central Fire Station in Georgetown. Another engine from Leonora arrived a few minutes later.“It was a big fire and I have got nothing but praise for these fire officers. I had all my faith in them and they didn’t let me down…really I had no choice.If they didn’t come when they did,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, all I could’ve done was watch the fire burn down me business.”Though not initially willing to comment, an officer who was in charge of the operation emphasised the fact that “no sawdust fire can be controlled in minutes” hinting that it took a while before the fire was brought under full control.And no chances were taken,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, as the officers were still on the scene after 07:00 hours ensuring that the fire was completely extinguished.Cheddi, who has been the owner of the business for just about 10 years, said that although he has no idea how the fire may have originated,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, he has not ruled out arson.“I don’t want to speculate,Wholesale Jerseys China, but anything is possible…I personally don’t know anybody who would want to do this,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, but then again you really don’t know,” said a flustered Cheddi.