標題: Maxwell Paris Saint-Germain Jersey Randolph
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UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-25 18:25  資料 私人訊息 
Maxwell Paris Saint-Germain Jersey Randolph
– following Red Palm mite invasion Cash crop farmers residing in the Pomeroon River say they would like to receive a more satisfactory price for their coconuts,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, since their production has reduced significantly due to the invasion of the Red Palm mite disease.Farmers are complaining that although they have been exposed to numerous persons who are showing interest in purchasing the product, the prices they are offering are unacceptable. As such, farmers are recommending that the government establish a “Farmers Depot” in the Pomeroon River to facilitate a more organized manner in which Pomeroon farmers can sell their produce.Some of the coconut farmersFarmers are lamenting that it is costly to transport their produce out of the Pomeroon River, noting the abundance of produce that they have and sometimes the inability to garner ready markets.One farmer,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Randolph, recalled?the depot system was established by the late President Forbes Burnham in the eighties,Jerseys NFL Cheap, where farmers had access to a ready and definite market operation.This allowed traders and businessmen to go directly into the Pomeroon River with their ships and large boats to purchase the farmers’ produce.Randolph believes that should President David Granger tap into that idea,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, it would bring great relief to Pomeroon farmers.Randolph said the farmers are not only confined to coconut production but also cash crop and provision. Currently, some farmers are forced to give away some of the vegetables which they have in abundance.During and after his campaign for the 2015 Regional and General Elections and even after his return to the Essequibo Coast,Aaron Ramsey Arsenal Jersey UK, with specific emphasis on Pomeroon/Charity,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, President David Granger consistently urged farmers to get into agro- processing.He said that the Pomeroon River had an abundance of fruits, vegetables and root crops, and farmers should package their produce for the local and Caribbean markets.But Pomeroon farmers are experiencing a lot of setbacks in the form of pest infestation, fuel cost and marketing among other challenges.(Yannason Duncan)