標題: Wholesale Jerseys From China La Penitence
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-24 21:45  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys From China La Penitence
A Middle Road, La Penitence man was jailed for three years by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Fifty-year-old John Barker pleaded guilty to two charges of narcotics possession.On March 25, last, at Middle Road,Jerseys Cheap NFL, La Penitence,Jerseys From China, he had in his possession 2.7 kilograms of cannabis for the purpose of trafficking.Barker on the same day, at Middle Road, while being in lawful custody pending a criminal charge,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, escaped from custody.According to the man who was unrepresented, “I really didn’t want to waste the court’s time and thus I am pleading guilty”.Barker said that the only reason he did something like that was to make a living for his family. He said that it was unfortunate.“Your worship, is just bad luck because de same time de drugs come,Wholesale Jerseys Group, de police show up and they search de place.”However, Barker said that he was never in the custody of the police. He said that he saw the police when they came into the yard and he ran away.The defendant further told the court that the only way the police caught him was because his brother-in-law told the police where he was working.Police Prosecutor Seetaram said that on the day in question, about 00:30hrs the police, who were acting on information,NFL Jerseys Supply, went to the defendant’s home to conduct a search.He said that when the police arrived at the man’s Middle Road,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, La Penitence home, a search was executed and the drugs were found in the defendant and his wife’s possession.They were both arrested and told of the suspicion.Seetaram said that both defendants were escorted to the police station and it was then that Barker escaped from custody. He was subsequently rearrested and charged with the present offence. Barker was also fined $10,000 along with the jail term. For the escaping from lawful custody he was jailed for one year.However, the charges would run concurrently.