標題: Wholesale Jerseys Mr. John Walcott
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-24 14:48  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys Mr. John Walcott
Truck owner, Mr. John Walcott, yesterday, said that he is a little relieved after his tragic ordeal four days ago when his truck plunged into the Essequibo River.John WalcottHe expressed his heartfelt gratitude, especially to Minister Robenson Benn, for meeting with him on Friday.Walcott,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, who did not want to reveal too much of the nature of his conversation with the Minister, however said that Mr. Benn is conducting further investigations into the unfortunate mishap which occurred on Tuesday last.He said that pending the outcome of those investigations, he would know his position with Transport and Harbours Department.According to preliminary investigations, Mr. Walcott’s truck, GEE 7332,Wholesale Jerseys Group, was reportedly maneuvering from the MV Torani about 8:30 hours, on Tuesday,Nike NFL Jerseys China, last,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, shortly after the vessel docked at the Adventure stelling when the truck plunged overboard.Ferry services to Region Two were abruptly disrupted,Wholesale China Jerseys, forcing scores of vehicles and travelers to either turn back or to use the speedboat.According to Mr. John Walcott,Nike NFL Jerseys China, his was performing the duties of Operation’s Manager at Caricom Rice Mills, when he was alerted to a troubling telephone call, which he received from his driver Christopher Brown.Brown was traveling back to Essequibo on the M.V. Torani. His truck had encountered some serious problems after disembarking the MV Torani. Walcott noted that his truck which was loaded with 300 bags of fertilizer was at the time disembarking the ferry, but had slid through the eastern gangway, breaking the protective chains from the ferry and plunging overboard.Walcott said that his truck which had submerged for over 12 hours, had workers truckers struggling for hours to retrieve it.Other truck owners who were frustrated after being delayed due to Tuesday’s mishap vented that the stages at the Adventure stelling are poor and have outlived their usefulness.John said that the driver could have lost his life. He added that better security measures are needed.