標題: Wholesale Jerseys China Leguan
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-21 17:33  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys China Leguan
A female resident of Enterprise,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, Leguan has joined the local list of centenarians.The latest addition to the list is Ms. Theodora Idona Forde, who celebrated her 100th birthday yesterday.Dozens of residents gathered at the woman’s home to celebrate with her during a simple ceremony which was held in her honour.Many related that, to the best of their knowledge, she is the first person to reach 100 on the island; and for them it is an honour to have a fellow villager attain such a milestone.Born on July 27, 1908, at Endeavour, Leguan, this centenarian, a member of the St Peter’s Anglican Church, grew up and completed her school years on the island.Despite the fact that ‘Aunty Donna’,Wholesale Jerseys From China, as she is called by many, never made a child of her own, she has been a mother to many.She has lost most of her hearing ability and is not always able to communicate effectively.Niece of Aunty Donna, Carol Forde,Wholesale Jerseys, said her aunt stayed at home and took many children into her home and raised them as her own. She said her aunt was never married but managed to survive on her own by rearing meat birds and planting a kitchen garden.Forde said Auntie Donna also took a number of children who were forsaken by their own parents into her home, and saw them through adulthood.Her niece told this newspaper that, even now, Aunty Donna is still very active.“When she was younger she was always busy with her kitchen garden and her fowls,Wholesale Jerseys Group, she never liked being one place,” a relative said.For most of her life,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, Aunty Donna lived alone in her own home, until four years ago when she became ill. With no children to take care of her, Forde decided to take on the responsibility of caring for her aunt.Forde said this chore has been quite challenging, and noted that she is only returning what is owed to her aunt.While the birthday festivities yesterday saw a variety of delectable foods,Evan Engram Jersey, Aunty Donna decided to stick to her favourite menu of tennis rolls and jam.This is despite relentless efforts by many to convince her to indulge in other delicacies.After consuming her favourite dish, Aunty Donna treated guests to a lively dance, which she still manages to do quite well at her age.