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註冊 2017-5-25
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Andy Pettitte Jersey however
“Perhaps the time has come for the Ministerial sessions of the COTED to be more strategic in its outlook…The time consumed in rehashing the issues without resolution, has an economic cost and it fuels frustration among us all,” Ambassador La RocqueBy Gary EleazarThe 33rd meeting of CARICOM’s Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) opened yesterday at the Princess International Hotel with Secretary-General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, warning that that it is not a business-as-usual environment, with the region requiring definitive action.LaRocque recognized that while there is a long agenda and much work ahead,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, “we need to advance the integration of our Community.”COTED is, he reminded, charged with the responsibility to promote trade and economic development of the region and as such has a major role to play. While the Community’s capacity may be constrained, “the global environment is not waiting on us,” he stressed.The on-going global economic and financial crises demand that “we face such challenges collectively rather than separately…the imperative for integration is as relevant now as when the Treaty of Chaguaramus was signed.”COTED stakeholders prepare for deliberations following the charge by the Secretary General.The Treaty of Chaguaramus is the instrument that has brought the CARICOM grouping together.LaRocque told those gathered that ever since his ascension to office in August last,Nike NFL Jerseys China, he has met with stakeholders from all walks of life, including its leaders, and has come to recognize that “the citizens for whose benefit and in whose interest we are working must see and recognise the results of that work.”The Ambassador was encouraged by the hope and support for the integration movement, even as there has been exasperation at what some have seen as the slow progress or even stagnation of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy.“There is frustration at the perceived inconsistent application of, and in some cases,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, non-adherence to the decisions of the Organs of the Community…One constant concern, particularly to our youth, revolves around the procedure for issuance and recognition of skills certificates, which allows for free movement of skilled Community nationals…These procedures are not harmonised across all member states.”LaRocque also warned that there is also widespread unease over the length of time that some issues remain unresolved and are constantly on the agenda of meetings. “It has caused our stakeholders to call into question whether we are focused enough or committed sufficiently to take the required actions…I am of the view,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, however, that there may be capacity constraints in our member states as well as within the Secretariat which could preclude us from advancing as quickly as we would like.”He said that perhaps the time has come for CARICOM to prioritise its agenda in a strategic manner.“Perhaps the time has come for the Ministerial sessions of the COTED to be more strategic in its outlook…The time consumed in rehashing the issues without resolution, has an economic cost and it fuels frustration among us all.”Meanwhile, COTED Chairperson Maxine McLean who also holds the portfolio of Barbados’s Senator and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation reminded the stakeholders that the developments in Europe and with the Euro certainly bring home the vulnerability of the region’s small economies and reinforce the need for continued efforts to create a Single Market and Economy “if we are to weather the economic storms that we will definitely experience.”She noted that as part of the region’s efforts to expand production and enhance competitiveness,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, more attention needs to be focused on increasing intra-regional trade.“This requires that we put in place the necessary elements to create a favorable environment to increase such trade…Key elements of such and enabling environment include the harmonization of legislation and procedures relating to rights of establishment, sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures, availability of affordable transportation, regional standards, and of major importance the improvement of the productivity of our enterprises.”The CARICOM Ministers and other personnel that have gathered in Guyana for the 33rd COTED meeting will today conclude deliberations.