標題: Wholesale Jerseys Cheap Gang Awareness
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閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-20 13:12  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys Cheap Gang Awareness
Miami – The Miami Dade County School Board recently appointed Caribbean American and native of Guyana,Wholesale Jerseys China, City of Miami Major Ian A. Moffett as its next Police Chief.Moffett was born in Georgetown, Guyana and at the age of six,Soccer Jerseys From China, he migrated to Toronto, Canada with his parents and sister.In 1985, Moffett migrated to Miami, Florida with his family. He is currently employed by the City of Miami Police Department. He has a total of 20 years of law enforcement experience,Custom Raptors Jersey, and possesses a Master’s of Science Degree from theMajor Ian MoffettUniversity of Cincinnati and a Bachelors of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Florida International University. He is also a graduate of the prestigious University of Louisville,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Southern Police Institute Command Officers Development Course.Major Moffett has worked and trained with Multi-Agencies regarding responding to critical incidents and has given countless workshops in the area of Youth Violence, Gang Awareness,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, School Safety,Jerseys From China, Weapon of Mass Destruction, Emergency Management, and tactical training. He is currently a certified instructor and holds a specialty in firearms through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.He is also an online faculty instructor for the University of Phoenix and teaches Critical Incident Management and Concepts of Physical Facility Security and Personal Protection to graduate level students.Major Moffett is currently the co-chair for the Training Committee under the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Region 7 Domestic Security Task Force and the Training Representative for the City of Miami Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI). He is also the chairman for the Florida Criminal Justice Training Center Directors Association and represents all 40 certified training centers in the state.He is currently the Vice President for the National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officials (NASSLEO) and a Subject Matter Expert for the United States Department of Education on issues related to emergency management in schools.He was previously responsible for the Miami Police Department’s Training and Personnel Development Section and was also the Training Center Director for the Miami Police Training Center, which is comprises a new police college.Previously, Major Moffett was employed with Miami-Dade Schools Police Department for over 15 years. Formerly a member of the US Army, he has given over 24 years of government service at the National, State, and Local levels.