標題: Cheap Jerseys From China some $100 million
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-20 02:47  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys From China some $100 million
By Gary EleazarPresident Bharrat Jagdeo has acknowledged that there was corruption at the Office of the President and several persons had to be fired.He was responding to questioning during a press briefing yesterday at State House.Commenting on the missing financial records for the Wild Life bank account for the period 1998 to 2002, which was at the time operated under the auspices of OP,Throwback Jerseys, President Jagdeo said that he was not au fait with all of the details of the missing records,Jerseys NFL China, but he noted that in one instance people were caught taking money and giving permits for the export of animals,. “way beyond what our quota allowed.”He added that the money,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, some $100 million, was then placed in a non-interest bank account at the Bank of Baroda.However, the Treasury Memorandum that was recently tabled in the National Assembly clearly states that the records in relation to the period July 1998 to June 2002,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, four years,Wholesale Jerseys From China, cannot be located, and all attempts to have them reconstructed have been futile.The “treasury memorandum” is a written response to the inconsistencies raised by the Public Accounts Committee for the period 2002 and 2003.Following the discovery of the missing files, the Alliance For Change Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, had called for the implementation of a fraud investigation into the incident, and persons found culpable to feel the full brunt of the law.Chairman of the Vision Guyana, Peter Ramsaroop, as well as The People’s National Congress Reform, had echoed similar sentiments.The disappearance of several hundred millions of dollars earned from the export of wildlife is reminiscent of the dolphin scandal that came to light in 2004.In that year, the Board of the Wildlife Management Authority fired its secretary, Khelawan, for authorizing exports of dolphins without proper permits.Also implicated in the scandal was Presidential Advisor Odinga Lumumba, who also owns Mc Neal Enterprises, the company that shipped the dolphins without permits.It was later learnt that 38 giant anteaters had also been shipped without proper permits. These animals sell for upwards of US$10,000 each.The Opposition PNCR referred to the situation as a scam, and said it would not be fooled by the firing of sacrificial scapegoats.