標題: Wholesale Jerseys From China at Werk-en-Rust
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-18 13:10  資料 私人訊息 
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Leroy Forde and Joshua Collins, the two teenagers who were each charged with two counts of robbery under arms, and carjacking were yesterday jailed.JAILED: Leroy FordeForde was sentenced to 48 months on each charge while Collins was jailed for 36 months on each charge. The jail terms handed down on the convicts will run concurrently.Leroy Forde,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, 18,Wholesale Jerseys, and Joshua Collins, 17, were found guilty of robbing Andrew Nurse of motor car PVV 6825 valued $2.5 million while armed with a gun.They were also found guilty of robbing Kendall Shortt of a $19,Discount NFL Jerseys,000 cell phone on September 26,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, at Werk-en-Rust,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, while armed with a gun.According to reports, Nurse had stepped out of his vehicle to visit the mechanic shop at Bishop Street,Bobby Orr Jersey, Georgetown. As the man re-entered his car a gun was placed to his head by one of the convicts, who shoved him aside before relieving him of the vehicle keys. They then escaped with the vehicle.However, they were captured by police at East La Penitence with the stolen car. They had already changed the number plates on the vehicle but the owner identified his vehicle by the engine and chassis number.Forde and Collins were later pointed out on an identification parade.Their trial was conducted by Magistrate Dylon Bess and they were found guilty of the offence on December 5. However, sentencing was deferred pending the presentation of probation reports in their favour.Police Lance Corporal Christopher Morris represented the state.As the teenagers were being escorted to the Police Outpost their relatives begged to hug them and sobbed uncontrollably.