標題: Evan Engram Jersey Martin Goolsarran
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-18 04:56  資料 私人訊息 
Evan Engram Jersey Martin Goolsarran
Though President Donald Ramotar has the final decision on the outcome of the investigations of financial irregularities at the National Communications Network (NCN),Jerseys From China, he is “surprised” that the matter has not yet been concluded.President Donald RamotarRamotar, at a press conference at the Office of the President, yesterday, expressed surprise that the matter is still ongoing. He related that the matter is being handled and it would be concluded in the near future.However, for months a report detailing financial irregularities at the state-owned entity was submitted to Ramotar, who is the Minister of Communications.The investigation was confined to the Terms of Reference that sought to ascertain the relationship between Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) and NCN.In a leaked report- prepared during the first half of the year- it was revealed that on the part of NCN, one area of irregularity was traced back to GT&T and involved millions of dollars in advertisements.NCN’s Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Sattaur,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, who had knowledge of the financial irregularities, resigned in June. The entity’s Programme Manager,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, Martin Goolsarran, who admitted that he had deposited the payment cheque from the telephone company into his personal account,Wholesale Jerseys Group, has been suspended without pay.However,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, findings of the investigations submitted to Ramotar would determine the future of the men. Many are waiting to see whether the findings would be sent to the Criminal Investigations Department of the Guyana Police Force.Mohamed SattaurWithout revealing details of the investigations, Ramotar said he would like to see accountability at NCN,Custom Raptors Jersey, which will help with confidence and credibility.Martin Goolsarran