標題: Jerseys From China Tony Shields
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-16 23:21  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys From China Tony Shields
Government is still considering new mining measures, a spokesman said Friday.According to Cabinet Secretary,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Dr. Roger Luncheon, the long awaited report of the Special Land Use Committee (SLUC) is still being studied by the Cabinet’s Sub-Committee on Natural Resources and Environment.SLUC’s members were appointed by President Bharrat Jagdeo, in late 2009, to review the mining industry and to suggest new ways to ensure sustainability within the industry and measures to protect miners and loggers alike.In late 2009, a suggestion to have miners wait for six months for permission to mine prompted protests by miners, last year January, who feared that it will effectively close the small miners out from a lucrative sector.The SLUC was appointed by the President, along with Minister of Public Works and former head of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Robeson Benn.Following a meeting with miners at the International Convention Centre in February 2009, the SLUC’s mandate was extended, with the President ordering small miners from several key districts to also sit on the committee. Late last year, the SLUC completed its work and submitted its report to Cabinet,Wholesale Jerseys, one of the highest decision-making bodies of the government.Early last month, during a meeting of the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA), invited special guest, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, intimated that the controversial six-month notice for the mining industry has not been totally ruled out.Executive Director, Tony Shields, had immediately signaled GGDMA’s worry over the PM’s statements.According to Dr. Luncheon on Friday, although the report is being studied,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, it does not mean that parts of it could not be implemented or fast-tracked once there is an “obligation” or if it is significant enough.The mining industry has come under increased scrutiny lately with President Jagdeo threatening to send army ranks to mining areas to help stamp out corruption.According to the President, there was corruption at the GGMC level. However, after GGMC’s head, William Woolford, said that the state entity was willing to act once there was evidence, the President announced that sweeping changes were coming to that body.Already,Cheap Jerseys China, Government has appointed a new Chairman,Jerseys NFL China, Major General (rtd) Joe Singh,Wholesale China Jerseys, to GGMC.