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Cheap Stitched Jerseys Clement Rohee
– Says “I do not have time for that”As he hosted the People Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) weekly press conference at Freedom House,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, yesterday, General Secretary, Clement Rohee,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, sought desperately to dodge questions on his daughter, Rima Rohee’s role in the promotion of racism in Guyana.The female Rohee is one of the many “smart” young people who form part of the PPP’s list of candidates for the upcoming General and Regional elections.Many have raised concerns about numerous persons on the list; but the General Secretary’s daughter is one who has faced the brunt of bad reviews. Concerns were raised about her level of intelligence as well as her racist nature.Faced with questions about the latter, Rohee refused to provide straight answers. Rohee was asked if his daughter will be disciplined for the racist remarks she posted on Facebook.Rohee said,Authentic Jerseys Sale, “I haven’t seen anything; I am not a Facebook fan. I do not follow Facebook; I am too engulfed in the campaign to be distracted… I haven’t seen it, let’s move on from that. As I said, I am too involved in campaigning I do not have time for that. “Rohee was then asked how the Party deals with members who are found to be racist,NFL Jerseys Outlet, responded “you trying to come back to that issue…what (Cabinet Secretary) Roger Luncheon said stands.”Dr. Luncheon’s position was that there must be facts to prove that the female Rohee is racist before action can be taken against her in the PPP.Dr. Luncheon said,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, “The facts have to be presented, I don’t believe you would think that it takes an allegation by someone, even a member of the media to be the basis for the implementation of those disciplinary procedures against errant Party members.”One of the female Rohee’s posts on Facebook reads: “Nick it is fact! I live with it! yea typical black woman; all black people are the same. U twist it and turn it they are all the same same dutty mentality. That’s why they will always be the same in life.”She also said at the beginning of this year: “It’s a new year and a no shit year so whoever don’t like me and say Im racist go [email protected] yourself.”After her name appeared on the PPP’s list of candidates for the upcoming regional and general elections,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, calls continue to mount from sections of society for the younger Rohee to be disciplined.Her behavior has been described as “unacceptable”; something that former President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo said will not be tolerated by the Party. He went as far to say that persons in the PPP who practice or preach racism will be ‘kicked out of the Party’ during his address to supporters at Babu Jaan.Yesterday, Rima Rohee had shut down her Facebook page