標題: Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey ‘B’
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-11 07:03  資料 私人訊息 
Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey ‘B’
– 10% rise in serious crimesTravis RudderSixteen execution-style killings, 15 robbery/murders and 11 domestic-related homicides are among 94 murders that have occurred within the past seven months of the year. This is in comparison to 80 murders at the end of July 2014, an 18 percent rise in homicides. Four more murders were recorded up to August 13 – a total of 98.The report showed a 100 percent increase in execution-style killings (six between January and July, (with five occurring in ‘A’ Division (Georgetown and East Bank of Demerara) in comparison to three for the same period last year; 15 robbery-murders (with ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ Divisions recording four each) as against 14 for last year; 37 disorderly murders as against 23 (a 61 percent increase), 11 domestic-related murders ( three each in ‘A’ and ‘G’ Divisions, and two each in ‘B’ and ‘C’ Divisions, as against 23 last year (a 48 percent decrease); 37 murders in which the motive was unknown as against 23 and two homicides listed as ‘other murders’ and against three such murders for the same period last year.Murder statistics compiled by Kaieteur News showed that 20 women were murdered between January and August 1,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, 2015.The Police Public Relations Department also recorded a 10 percent increase in serious crimes within the past seven months, in comparison to the same period in 2014.Among the serious crimes policed by the Force are murder, robbery under arms, robbery with violence, robbery with aggravation, larceny from the person, break and enter and larceny, burglary, rape, and kidnapping.But at the end of July 2015 robbery under arms overall has decreased by two percent, in comparison to the same period in 2014.The statistics indicate a decrease of four percent in the number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms; while the number of armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used increased by three percent.There has been a 68 percent increase in the number of reports of rape, with 243 reports at the end of July this year, compared to 145 for the same period last year. Break and enter and larceny and burglary have shown an overall increase of 9 percent. Unto the end of July this year, police recovered 74 illegal firearms, including a sub-machine gun, 43 pistols, 18 revolvers, five shotguns, six rifles and a pen-gun.This compares to 46 illegal firearms that were recovered unto this time last year.In relation to traffic,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Argentina-Facundo-Roncaglia-Jersey.html, 71 road fatalities from 58 accidents have been recorded at the end of July 2015, in comparison to 67 fatalities from 61 accidents for the same period in 2014.Courtney Crum-EwingThere have been decreases in all other categories of road accidents – serious, minor and damage.The Force reported that 25 pedestrians were killed at the end of July2015. In addition, six pedal cyclists, 18 persons in motor vehicles, 10 motor cyclists, nine drivers, two pillion riders, and one person who was being towed on a bicycle also lost their lives.Twenty-nine of the 58 fatal accidents were as a result of speeding.Traffic enforcement by the police resulted in 31,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,201 cases for this year being made against errant motorists at the end of July 2015; of this total 13,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,129 cases were for speeding, 942 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 362 for using cell phones while driving and 873 for failing to wear a seat belt.Up to last Thursday, there were five road fatalities recorded for August 2015. This compares to 14 for the same period last year.The Police Public Relations Department also stated that the Force is continuing in its efforts aimed at crime prevention through its police-community partnership programme, along with social crime prevention interventions in the Policing Divisions, with special emphasis on empowering youths.During last month, ‘A’ Division held its Annual Youth Challenge Camp at Madewini Gardens, Madewini, East Bank Demerara. The camp was attended by some 136 youths between the ages of seven and 17, and was planned with the aim of promoting social cohesion, discipline, leadership,Wholesale China Jerseys, respect and vocational skills training among the youths who were drawn from various communities within the Policing Division.Educational classes were also held with the children of the various Youth Clubs with focus on Mathematics, English Language and Comprehension. In addition, the police awarded Trophies to the top performing students at the recent Grade Six Assessment Examinations from the Bel Air, Redeemer, St. Ambrose and St. Gabriel Primary Schools in recognition of their ach