標題: Adrian Ramos Jersey GGMC
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-31 07:08  資料 私人訊息 
Adrian Ramos Jersey GGMC
By Zena HenryMixed feelings are brewing as the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) is forced to abandon a newly constructed building at its Brickdam location. The organization has cited the move by the Natural Resources Ministry to take over the agency-owned edifice as “blatant bullyism,” and staffers may be leaning towards strike action.The workers of the mining agency told Kaieteur News that it is an unfair and an arbitrary imposition by the Ministry to occupy the building which was “being built with GGMC money”. They said that the Agency had constructed the additional building to assist with overcrowding. “When the building had reached a stage where the only thing left was the installation of utilities, the Natural Resource Ministry took over, taking it up upon themselves to complete the installations,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,” one staffer pointed out.Staffers of the Natural Resources Ministry are expected to occupy the two upper floors of the new building and will be moving in as soon as works are completed.The GGMC is however saying that the Ministry has no right to station itself at the Brickdam location since the GGMC is a body that governs itself and needs no overseers. Apart from that, the Agency is furious that it may be left with the utilities bill for the new building.They are already peeved that cabinet had forced the Agency to purchase the abandoned building at High Street which was first designated for the Ministry of Human Services.The building was reportedly purchased for more than $100M, but even heftier, is the $600M tab to repair the unfinished structure, this is after the GGMC would have already spent another $100M at the Brickdam location.Kaieteur News was told that for some time, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment has been pushing itself into the affairs of the mining Agency and making demands of the organization.“This shouldn’t be,” the workers argued. “The GGMC is an Agency on its own, while the Ministry is only a policy maker. The GGMC Act constituted on May 30, 1979, says that the Agency, “Is hereby established a body corporate to be known as the GGMC and the provisions of the first schedule shall have effect as the constitution and proceedings of,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/, and other wise in relation to the Commission.”This means that the execution of GGMC’s business is protected by the Constitution and the law protects the Agency in its right to govern itself in whichever way it sees fit.The Act also stated that the Chairman would overlook the business of the Commission which would involve policy-making. But where the Chairman is not available,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, the Minister shall take its place. The system should see policy makers determining the way forward for the Commission,Wholesale Jerseys, and the chairman communicating the orders to the Commissioner who would then mobilize the staff on the execution of their duties.This publication was however told that the GGMC chairman is being bypassed and the Ministry is going straight to the employees, completely ignoring the chain of command.In totality, the Agency is convinced that the Natural Resource Ministry is seeking to have an iron fist in the functioning of the GGMC. The Ministry moving into the Agency’s compound has been seen as a means of getting deeper into GGMC’s affairs with an aim of having greater input in their business.When Kaieteur News visited GGMC yesterday, there was much talk about strike action. The workers were peeved that when it finally seemed that the congestion problem was about to ease, “Here comes the Ministry wanting to move in and putting us out.”“Like every other thing, they want to take over GGMC,” one staffer opined.The staffers charged that they are not affiliated with the Natural Resource Ministry, nor are they an Agency of the Ministry as was stated in a Thursday press release from the Natural Resource Ministry. They said that they are an independent body that needs no “babysitter”.Cabinet Secretary Roger Luncheon told media operatives yesterday that the move by the Ministry over to the GGMC Compound was a policy decision decided upon some time ago.He said that the whole issue was the GGMC and Ministry working together,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, especially on the ground, to deal with mining issues.The relocation of the Agency onto High Street,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Luncheon said, was also something being looked at some time ago to address the overcrowding issue.GGMC currently has 300-plus workers and is seeking to increase staff capacity with the addition of field staff.