標題: Paul Pogba Manchester Jersey New York Daily News
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-31 02:52  資料 私人訊息 
Paul Pogba Manchester Jersey New York Daily News
(New York Daily News) – A vibrant Queens great-great-grandfather who loved to pedal his bike around the neighborhood has died after being critically injured by a hit-and-run driver,NFL Jerseys Supply, police said Tuesday.Killed: Mohamed AliThat driver, who fled in a blue sedan after striking Mohamed Ali, 88,Jerseys From China, on April 16 on 131st Street near Rockaway Boulevard, in South Ozone Park, was still at large on Tuesday, two days later Ali was laid to rest during a ceremony in Queens, his family said.“He was so full of life,” his daughter, Razia Ali,Wholesale Jerseys Group, 51, said. “He was not the type of guy to be sitting around — he was riding a bike at 88!”The Guyanese immigrant was the patriarch of a brood of six kids, 10 grandkids,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, 11 great-grandkids and two great-great-grandkids, Razia Ali said.“He made us laugh. He was jolly,” she said.The elderly man had worked as a security guard before retiring,Wholesale Jerseys, his daughter added.He often ran errands on his bike or rode around for recreation, she said. It was not known where he was going on the day he was struck,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, nearly two miles from his home, she said.The daughter said detectives are working on the case but told her they don’t have any leads.“Whoever did this should turn himself in. It’s not right,” she said. “They just hit my father and drove away like that.”