標題: Damien Perquis Jersey 000 for residential customer
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-30 18:00  資料 私人訊息 
Damien Perquis Jersey 000 for residential customer
It’s an early Christmas at the Guyana Water Incorporated, GWI, to the benefit of customers.Yesterday, the utility company officially launched a new Customer Service promotion that could save customers millions of dollars in cash.Dubbed “Catch the WAIVE” the promotion is aimed at customers who were disconnected for outstanding water charges prior to October 31, 2009. The company has informed that disconnected customers, who make payments on or before November 30, will not be charged reconnection fees.National Revenue Manager, Earle Aaron,Jose Enrique Jersey, said that the utility company has a large number of customers on its database who were disconnected and have not made any payments to regularise their water service.“This limited time promotion offers these customers the chance to pay only for outstanding water charges; GWI will not charge any customer reconnection fees on or before November 30,Remy Descamps Jersey,” Aaron said.Customers who cannot afford to pay all outstanding charges can sign up for an affordable payment plan.Aaron further urged that disconnected customers take advantage of this limited offer and have their service reconnected legally at no cost.He emphasised that customers who illegally reconnect their water service could face harsh penalties under the Water and Sewerage Act 2002, but he informed that “in light of the approaching holiday season we’ve decided to be lenient with our disconnected customers. However, should these customers fail to honour their outstanding water charges,Pablo Barrera Jersey, GWI will check their connections and any customer found with an illegal reconnection will face a fine of $6,Justin Morrow Toronto Jersey,000 for residential customers, and $13,Carlos Tevez Jersey,000 for businesses.”In the giving mood associated with the festive season GWI will also be waiving all tampering fees for customers who have illegal water supply connections. Aaron is advising such customers to visit any GWI office to regularise their connection and noted that no penalty fees will be charged until after November 30.He added, “Customers who would have connected themselves to our service lines can face jail time or a fine of $25,000 and businesses can be fined as much as $50,000.? We urge these persons to visit us to obtain a legal water service connection; these customers will only pay $1000 for the service connection,Jose Enrique Liverpool Jersey, absolutely no tampering fees will be charged.”The company is calling on customers to take advantage of the “Catch the WAIVE” promotion as failure to obtain a legal water connection will result in large penalties as stipulated by the Act.? “GWI is extending goodwill to all our customers,” says Aaron. “It is our hope that they utilise these offers with the aim of improving our partnership.”