標題: Aleksandar Kolarov Jersey such a darts
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-30 02:04  資料 私人訊息 
Aleksandar Kolarov Jersey such a darts
Guyana’s largest Station Management Committee project was commissioned recently at a simple presentation ceremony held in the compound of the Fort Wellington Police Station.The facility which houses a canteen and recreational facility was completed in record time with funding which totaled over $2.2M. This included donations of cash, donations of materials and equipment and hosting a fund rising Bar B Que.The one flat building will house among other things, a canteen, a lecture hall,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, a rest and waiting area and a facility to host indoor games, such a darts,Nike NFL Jerseys China, dominoes and whist among other games.? The facility is also being used as a lunch room.At the commissioning, the facility was handed over to the Guyana Police Force which was represented by Commander of Police B Division, Assistant Commissioner Derrick Josiah and other senior officers of the force and division by Mr. Gyan Totaram,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Treasurer of the station management committee.Commander of Police ‘B’ Division Assistant Commissioner Derrick Josiah (Second from right) accepts the keys to the facility from Gyan Totaram Treasurer of the Station Management Committee.Giving a back ground of the conceptualization and completion of the project was Treasurer Mr. Gyan Totoram stated that the project came about after the station management committee was put in place by Assistant Superintendent Jairam Ramlakhan, officer in charge of Sub Division No 3 West Berbice a short while after he was posted there.He said the need arose after it was noticed that there was no proper facility in the West Berbice area for the police officers to train and relax. The men said that on many occasion, ranks, scouts and members of the public can be seen sitting on the steps of the station, braving the sun which was not a good sight.The idea was bandied about and with the kind blessings of Assistant Superintendent Jairam Ramlakhan and the management of the Berbice Division. They decided to undertake the project with the determined aim of completing it in record time.He stated that after all the logistics were completed the committee got down to work and was fully supported by the senior ranks and management of the police B division with the police being involved all the way.Chairman of the committee, Cecil Ramdatt,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, stated that by his own admission he did not expect such a major project to be completed in such a short time. He stated that being involved in other committees before most times it was just talk. He commended the other members of the committee and was loud in praise for the sterling leadership of ASP Ramlakhan stating that the GPF needs more officers like Ramlakhan.Giving the feature address was assistant Commissioner Josiah who congratulated the members of the committee on behalf of the Commissioner of Police and senior members of the Guyana Police Force. The commander alluded to the fact that the completion of the multimillion dollar facility is an indication that the police and community can work together. He said that the project showed the worth of station management committees and called upon other station management committees to step up and get involved.Mr. Josiah also congratulated Ramlakhan for his leadership and the way he is getting things done. He noted that he went on leave soon after the idea came about and by the time he returned the project was well on its way.Also delivering remarks was Regional Chairman Region No 5, Mr. Bindrabhan Bisnauth and members of other station management committees in Berbice who all congratulated the members for a job well done.The gathering was serenaded by saxophonist Godfrey Richmond.The project which involved building a canteen and a shed in the compound is also being used as a recreational facility for both police and members of the public.The facility is also being used to conduct training for ranks,Andy Pettitte Jersey, scouts and others using the confines of the station.The members of the committee are Chairman Cecil Ramdat, Secretary Arjune Singh, Treasurer Gyan Totaram; the assistant secretary treasurer is Fazal Habibulla,Cheap NFL Jerseys, while the committee members are Dorothy Peters Thakoor Persaud and Khemraj. Assistant Superintendent Jairam Ramlakhan, Chief Inspector Gregory Springer, inspector Dennis Stephens and Station Sergeant Kwesi Gravesande?? are the ex officio members.