標題: Javier Hernandez Mexico Jersey the abattoir
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 18:36  資料 私人訊息 
Javier Hernandez Mexico Jersey the abattoir
The Mayor and Town Council of New Amsterdam presented its 2014 budget in the chambers of the Town Hall with a number of stakeholders present. During the presentation ceremony Mayor Claude Henry took the opportunity to call on residents to pay up their taxes.A total of $132.9M had been budgeted to be spent on running the affairs of the municipality.? The Mayor,Guillermo Ochoa Jersey, in his speech,Pablo Zabaleta Jersey, stated that the Council had a fairly successful 2013,Memphis Depay Netherland Jersey, noting that during the past year they were able to meet some basic objectives despite several challenges.A new tractor was also acquired. It helped with the garbage collection issues in the town.According to Mayor Henry there has been no increase in revenue earnings in 2013 while wages and salaries were fifty percent of revenue earned the year.The Mayor said that there is still a lot of money outstanding. He added, “We did not increase out rates and taxes for 2013 because we feel that persons within our community and in the country are finding it difficult to cope with the economic crisis, taxes in the municipality have not been increased since 1975.Treasurer Sharon Anderson presented the budget for 2014. It shows that $56.8M will be spent on salaries,Kevin Wimmer Hotspur Jersey UK, with $14M earmarked to be spent on capital works.? She also urged the residents to come forward and pay their taxes.Stakeholders present also used the opportunity to ask a number of questions- including the state of some of the municipality assets which include Old Smoky, the abattoir, the workshop and the store room,Javier Pastore Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, the untimeliness and inadequacy of workers’ salary, and the lack of adequate vehicles at the municipality.The position with the restoration of the Town Hall tower was also raised. Mayor Henry stated that there isn’t sufficient money available to undertake the project.He said that there is only $5M in a special account for that project. He added that recently the Council of Churches donated $100,Enzo Perez Jersey,000 toward the project.