標題: Michy Batshuayi Jersey –
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 16:01  資料 私人訊息 
Michy Batshuayi Jersey –
–opposition MP An opposition Member of Parliament is to write the Minister of Foreign Affairs to relay the complaints of Guyanese living in Barbados about what they describe as the lack of proper representation from the Guyana Consulate on the island.PNCR MP Ernest Elliot,Arsenal Jersey, who recently visited the island on personal matters,Santi Cazorla Jersey, told this newspaper that the complaints of Guyanese living there are so disconcerting that he will urge the minister to intervene.According to Elliot, whose mother was a Barbadian, several Guyanese have voiced their dissatisfaction with the representation they get from Guyana’s Consul,Ashley Young Manchester United Jersey, Norman Faria.“They are complaining bitterly about the treatment they receive from Faria, and they want the Government to appoint another person to represent them,” Elliot told this newspaper.For several years, Guyanese have been complaining about the poor treatment meted out to them in many CARICOM countries,Mikel Merino Dortmund Shirts, citing Barbados as the most glaring example.On several occasions, the Government of Guyana has had to intervene, to the extent that several steps were agreed to be taken to correct some of the problems.But despite this, Guyanese continue to claim that their interests are not properly represented by the Guyana Consul on the island.Elliot said that many Guyanese have reported that they are treated like second class citizens whenever they approach the consulate for simple things like passport renewals.“They told me that whenever they go to the consulate,Manchester United Blank Jersey, they have to wait for several days before they can see him. Most of them have resorted to returning home at great cost to have this important document looked after,” Elliot said.He told this newspaper that he has reported the matter to his party, which has taken note of the complaints, and a suggestion was made to have the affected Guyanese send a petition to the Government,Munir El Haddadi Jersey, detailing their concerns.However, according to Elliot, most of the Guyanese are reluctant to pursue such a course, because of their status on the island.It is with this in mind, the PNCR MP says, that he plans to write the Minister of Foreign Affairs expressing the concerns.A few months ago, two Guyanese on their way to attend a funeral in Canada were subjected to harsh treatment by Barbadian immigration officials, who accused them of travelling on false documents.One of the men was a Canadian citizen while the other had travelled to Canada on several occasions.And more recently, a Guyanese man was shot dead in what many of his countrymen living on the island felt was a direct attack on the Guyanese community.Norman Faria has been Guyana’s Consul in Barbados for decades.