標題: Marc-Andre Ter Stegen Jersey Rishi Das
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 15:59  資料 私人訊息 
Marc-Andre Ter Stegen Jersey Rishi Das
…City crime rate down 20%A female traffic police who issued a stunning 500 tickets and made the corresponding traffic charges for the year has been recognized as the Best Cop of ‘A’ Division.It has also been a year that the division, which covers the Georgetown district, also saw a 20 per cent reduction of serious crimes.This was disclosed yesterday as the ‘A Division’ of the Guyana Police Force held the now traditional Annual Awards Ceremony and Christmas Luncheon at the Brickdam Police Station.Several top police officials, including Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, and business entities which sponsored gifts were also present at the event in which police ranks were told to keep up the good works.In addition to a vacation package, dinner and cash,Marcus Rashford Manchester Jersey, Constable Olabasi Johnson was also promoted to Lance Corporal, as reward for her work.Assistant Superintendent of Ruimveldt Police Station,Christopher Nkunku Jersey, Rishi Das,Virgil van Dijk Jersey, was named Runner-up Best Cop for ‘A’ Division.According to Commander,Kevin Volland Germany Jersey, Assistant Commissioner, George Vyphuis, ‘A’ Division is a critical one for the police with government seated there and with the fact that it is a base for most of the country’s businesses.The division is now aiming for a 25 per cent reduction rate by the end of the year. Already, eight neighbourhood police have been trained with another eight more attending the Felix Austin College.Additionally, the division is making strides in establishing youth groups- one in Brickdam and also at Agricola, a critical area that once known as a criminal haven.Additionally, a Scouts group is being established with uniforms being made available as early as January.He warned that for the police work to show more success, communities’ involvement is a must.However, while serious crimes would have shown a significant reduction, Vyphuis was unhappy with the “bad showing” in the number of road fatalities in the division.This is a crucial area that the division is attempting to control and more measures are being implemented to reduce the number of incidents in the New Year.Commissioner Greene, in his message,David Beckham Jersey, stressed that ‘A’ Division is crucial to the work of the force.He noted that more and more resources are being plugged into the system with 15 motorcycles now manning the city to arrest crime.With the police taking the fight to the criminals, Police Commissioner Greene acknowledged that there would be instances where “soft targets” will be attacked. Once a timely report is made, there is every likelihood that police would respond in a timely manner.These “soft targets” include taxi-drivers and Chinese restaurants, he said.The Commissioner also signaled heightened surveillance at the local banks, an area that over time saw people being followed and robbed.He, too, plugged youth groups and community involvement- the prevention of crime- as areas that should be continuously targeted by the police to develop.According to Commissioner Greene, his office stands prepared to assist in pushing community-related projects that are in collaboration with police.Regarding the 911 unit that police had established, the Commissioner admitted that while there were criticisms over the functioning,Kenedy Jersey, it is to be blamed mainly on technical issues.He announced a $300,000 bonus for the division along with a $100,000 donation to new library that the division has established.In addition to the lunch, ranks of the divisions were also treated to skits, poems, and a number of models who strutted the very latest in fashions.Several police ranks, who were outstanding as Workers of the Month for the division, were also recognized as were seven Mess Hall employees.Some 35 police ranks received the Commander’s Award while Drill Team awards went to Providence for the male team. Alberttown won ahead of the female teams.