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Toby Alderweireld Jersey UK
It needs repeating that Ruth Osman classes as one of the most promising jazz artistes to come out of Guyana; we’d say ‘come out’ because she now lives in Trinidad and Tobago.So when she decided to host “Jazz and Tea” at the charming Herdmanston House in Georgetown, it was a perfect invitation to wish away the soggy weekend.She is a singer,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, poet and freelance writer, with streaks of passion, however you choose to describe that,Discount NFL Jerseys, and a bit of strong-headedness. But she has recognized two other attributes about herself that she cherishes and that lend gracefully to the music she belts out – love of God, and love of life.In the cozy downstairs of the Herdmanston House, with the clear view the large curtain-less windows provide of the outside, you’d imagine you’re in one of those uppity garden parties, also known as gossip circles.The Prime Minister’s wife, Yvonne Hinds, always a stunner,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, strolls in and heads swing in her direction and the whispers start.? But that, nor the tea and cakes, no matter how good they were (and we wouldn’t say they were), couldn’t detract from Ruth on stage,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, well,Wholesale Jerseys, actually the convenient corner for the microphone stand.It’s hard trying to define her mood; well we suppose that’s what makes her a good jazz musician.She interprets the song the way she sees it and the way she feels it – and so when she steps into Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song” her manner of phrasing helps you to draw upon your own tragedies, and those of the society around you, and to sort of spring into a sort of understated revolution.It’s something that she aims for. A quick glance at her Facebook profile tells you that she loves the arts, particularly literature and music, and that she strongly believes that she was born to positively affect people and society through those media.A platitude that doesn’t extend to Ruth is that she has a big voice and she knows that, and she doesn’t ever presume that she does. She sticks to the vulnerable strains, keeping within her range. Her voice brings across a certain luster with streaks of shyness that draws you in, and you just sit up and exclaim, “This girl is smooth!”Song after song, be it Ned Jones and Hoagy Carmichael’s “The Nearness of You” and her own compositions, with a dash of poetry, she won cheers from an appreciative crowd.Appreciation was at its peak though, when she showed her skill as an excellent flautist.Ruth’s recognition as one of Guyana’s best jazz artistes and this acknowledgement is seen in her invitation to perform at various events,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, including national and international concerts.Ruth Osman has places to go. (Neil Marks)