標題: Paddy McNair Manchester Jersey the woman observed
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帖子 22845
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學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 22:48  資料 私人訊息 
Paddy McNair Manchester Jersey the woman observed
A few days after the National Assembly passed stricter monitoring laws for paedophiles, the Guyana Police Force detained one of its own for allegedly sexually molesting his three-year-old son.The policeman, a constable attached to the Brickdam Traffic Department, was detained yesterday — two days after the mother of the toddler reported the matter.Kaieteur News understands that the child is seriously injured, is damaged and cannot hold anything that is fed to him.The shocking discovery was made last Thursday when the mother collected her child from his father’s house to spend some time with her.Speaking to this newspaper yesterday, the woman related that when she collected the child, she first observed that there was nail polish on his finger nails, but did not take it for anything sinister.When the child was fed, the woman observed, he was constantly defecating although he was not known to have a medical problem. The woman said that she became angry at having to clean up after the child.Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to check the child’s anus, and got the shock of her life.“It was unusually larger than a normal three-year-old’s,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” the woman told this newspaper. When she questioned the child,Wholesale China Jerseys, even more shocking details were revealed.The child related that his father would normally finger his anus. “He said that his daddy would put him to sit on his belly,” the woman added.The child was eventually taken to the hospital,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, where he was medically examined and it was confirmed that he was indeed sexually molested.The matter was reported, but it is believed that the policeman was forewarned and did not turn up for duty.When he eventually did, he was promptly placed under close arrest,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, awaiting charges.According to the child’s mother,Soccer Jerseys From China, the child was left in the care of his father since he was three months old, when her mother objected to the relationship.She said that she has taken over custody of the child, who is the second of her three sons.“I am not eating. I never expected something like this. It is his only son, and I am deeply embarrassed,Nike NFL Jerseys China,” the woman told this newspaper.Police have confirmed that the rank is in custody and will soon be placed before the courts.