標題: Nathaniel Chalobah Chelsea Jersey today
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 02:17  資料 私人訊息 
Nathaniel Chalobah Chelsea Jersey today
As the probe continues into the suspected poisoning of the nurse at her place of work, the New Amsterdam Hospital purportedly by one or more of her colleagues, the Ministry of Health has expressed disgust at the situation.According to reports,Samir Nasri Jersey, Tameca Carter reported for work around noon, Wednesday. She left her bottle with her drink in the refrigerator in Ward Five and left to attend the funeral of a colleague. She was with a number of other nurses.Nurse Carter reportedly returned to work around 15:00 hrs and retrieved her drink. No sooner had she taken a mouthful than she complained of a burning sensation in her stomach.The nurse collapsed and was rushed from the ward to the Emergency Unit of the hospital where she started to vomit blood. She was immediately tended to by a number of doctors.She was stabilized while the bottle with her drink was taken into possession by the hospital authorities.The police were called in and took possession of the bottle with the remaining portion of the drink to be tested.Permanent Secretary Trevor Thomas stated that after learning of the incident on Thursday morning, Minister of Public Health Dr. George Norton, along with himself expressed their horror.He stated that it was a frightening situation, when someone could do something so horrendous to another human being.? What is more frightening and worrying,Jason Denayer Jersey, is that someone like a nurse,Mesut Ozil Jersey, could suffer such a horrendous fate allegedly carried out by one or more of her colleagues.? People,Marquinhos Brazil Jersey, who should be taking care of others, people who are trained to save lives, actually pursue a course of taking lives.Mr. Thomas said that Minister George Norton has shown his ultimate concern for the safety and well-being of his fellow health care worker. He said that it’s a worrying situation. He plans to visit the nurse at the earliest opportunity.He said that were it not for Parliament the Minister would have visited the young nurse in hospital on Thursday. The Permanent Secretary however stated, that either or both he and the Minister plans to visit the nurse in hospital on Friday (today).He said the incident will definitely not enhance job morale. The Minister wants the police to do a thorough,Phil Jones Jersey, swift and concise investigation into the matter,Sokratis Papastathopoulos Jersey, to get to the bottom of the issue.In the meanwhile, the police are continuing their probe and have questioned a number of nurses. Some senior personnel in the hospital are also expected to be questioned.Nurse Carter remains in the Intensive Care Unit of the institution.