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Serge Aurier Paris Saint-Germain Jersey
“Grateful patient, grateful relatives, expressions of gratitude from those who “made it” gave me a sense of self-fulfilment as a health care provider throughout my?pre-retirement years.”By Staff Writer Nursing is undoubtedly a stressful job.??Traumatic situations are common. Sometimes surrounded byDeslyn Bonita Fraserpersons who they know will die,?nurses will tell you?that some days look like non-stop gloom and doom. The ability to accept suffering and death without getting emotional?or losing one’s calm?is crucial.Those who can’t remain emotionally?detached?while on duty, most likely quit. But most don’t,Cheap Jerseys From China, because they are special persons who would have chosen such a profession because of?the opportunity?they get to make?a profound difference on the lives of people who truly need and appreciate it.One person is Deslyn Bonita Fraser. A resident of Lovely Lass Village, West Coast Berbice,?who has given?thirty-four years of dedicated service?to the?profession.She served as a Staff Nurse/Midwife in both Region 5?(Mahaica/Berbice) and Region 6 (East Berbice/Corentyne), and then as a Public Health Specialist?in the area of primary health care.By???dint of hard and methodical work,?she rose???in the ranks of the profession – from that of a Trainee Nurse?to Staff Nurse/Midwife?to Manager/Supervisor of the primary health care facilities?in the aforementioned Regions,?prior?to retirement?in 2015.After retirement she continues?to serve?the Ministry of Public Health as a?Contractor in?the?supervisory?management of?the fourteen Health Centres?and the single Health Outpost in Region 5.She also serves?as the Coordinator of the Community-Based Rehabilitation Programme in Region 5 which assists persons?who are differently-able, and as a?member of the?United Bricklayers – a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) which looks mainly at gender-based violence, stigma and discrimination.She is also a staunch member of the?Assemblies of God Church in Bush Lot Village, West Coast Berbice. And it must not be added that she is the proud mom of Jason Alfred and Deon Alfred-Warde?and grandmother of Jaycia Alfred, Jaden Alfred and Delicia Warde.Nurse Fraser credits?her success?in the profession to a resolute attitude to being methodical i.e., doing?whatever has to be done?in the stipulated sequence and?also to empathise – having that innate ability to feel what the patient feels, to place herself completely in the shoes of the patient and to work with that understanding???to the best of her ability in helping the patient to recover, where recovery is possible.EMOTIONALLY STABLEPosing while on a well-earned vacation.One of nine children to her parents?Cecil Fraser and Shirley Fraser nee Archibald, Deslyn Fraser commenced her endeavours as a Trainee Nurse in 1981 at the?School of Nursing in the New Amsterdam Hospital?and graduated as a Staff Nurse in 1986.She?recalls instances when?injured persons would be brought into the wards in very serious condition and the?professional responses which were mandatory.“In emergency cases, as a professional nurse?I?had to be emotionally stable?at all times. I had to?stick to procedures; to triage. Those who are dead are already dead, but those still alive I had to?assign levels of?urgency to their injuries –?to decide the order of treatment; to try to make sure?that those still alive remained?alive.”There were of course many heart-warming moments when a patient who looked like he or she couldn’t make it?beat the odds and recovered.“Grateful patient, grateful relatives, expressions of gratitude from those who “made it”???gave me a sense of self-fulfilment as a health care provider throughout my?pre-retirement years.”She developed an interest in midwifery, followed up with the?requisite training, and became a Staff Nurse/Midwife in 1988.Nurse Fraser recalled?delivering six babies in one night in a?situation where she?definitely had to keep her head on.“I alone was on duty, being?responsible for the male and female?wards. A woman was dying…then died in?the female?ward. And then there I was delivering babies… one, two, three, four, five, six – all in one night!“Dealing with the dead and newborn babies at the same time; mind racing. Do I go home and change my clothes or remain and just change the gown???You?have to stay calm and methodical; this is what comes first, second etc! If you start fretting within yourself you cannot think or function properly.”THE IMPORTANCE OF EMPATHYThose wonderful days of Nursing!She also spoke of her?beliefs on?the importance of empathy in dealing with patients.“Quite a few people who came to give birth sometimes?were?not aware of the process. They are in pain and agony. And if the birth is delayed they would think that the birth is taking too long. They would panic.“I remember that a woman came and she said if I don’t give her daughter this thing to drink (some concoction in a bottle)?the baby