標題: Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey community
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-20 11:37  資料 私人訊息 
Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey community
Residents of Mocha, a small East Bank Demerara (EBD) community,Cheap Jerseys Online, were at a loss for words last evening when news spread that a well-known electrician from the area was shot dead at his home.The house where the killing occurredTerrence Lanferman, 23, of Lot 37 Nelson Street,Wholesale Jerseys Group, Mocha, EBD,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, was killed around 19:30 hours yesterday. The circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear, even as neighbours report only hearing the sounds of gunshots and seeing a man flee the scene on a motorcycle.According to reports,Authentic Jerseys Sale, an unidentified man knocked on Lanferman’s front door and as he opened whipped out a gun and pumped several bullets into his body. Lanferman’s partner was reportedly at home at the time and by the time investigators wrapped up their work at the crime scene, she was taken into custody.A few residents reported seeing a man dressed in a “hoodie” run out the yard and jump onto a CG motorbike before speeding away from the scene, shortly after they heard gunshots. They say he was clutching a gun in his hand at the time but since the area where Lanferman resided has no streetlights,Andy Pettitte Jersey, it proved difficult for them to identify who the killer was.They said, however, that the killer sped away on a motorcycle that bore no number plate.“I don’t know why someone would want to kill he (Lanferman). He don’t be in no ‘vibes’,Jerseys From China,” said one neighbour as he explained that he was working in his house when he heard the sounds of about three shots being fired.He said the neighbours rushed into his yard and took Lanferman to the hospital.“That thing freaked me out. The man had on a hoodie. Some people did see this man circling the area before,” the neighbour added. “The girlfriend was there; she is the best person to ask anything,” they insisted.“Terrence is not a bad boy, he does help people fix them bus and so. He is a good person,” said another neighbour.The dead man’s father said he was at one of the neighbourhood shops when he heard the news. He was at a loss to ascertain what could have caused his son to be killed. Lanferman leaves to mourn a son.