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Wholesale Jerseys 45 hrs
– court hearsHoward JohnsonHoward Johnson,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, a 23-year-old Albouystown resident was denied his pretrial liberty on Thursday by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson, when he appeared before her, charged with robbing Carla Bennett of items valued at $23,Cheap NFL Jerseys,000.The alleged incident occurred on May 18, at James Street, Albouystown. He was not required to plead.Johnson was represented by attorney at law Patrice Henry,Jerseys NFL Cheap, who told the court that his client,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who is a carpenter by profession,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, had been in custody since Monday.The lawyer said that even though the allegation surfaced his client provided the police with evidence that he was at home at the time of the alleged robbery.Henry also stated that there is an eyewitness who can attest that Johnson was not the person who robbed Bennett. The lawyer further said that Johnson was arrested at home. He asked that bail be set at a reasonable sum, adding that his client does not pose a flight risk.Bennett, who was present in court, stated that on the day in question around 04:45 hrs, she heard her front door shaking. She said that she ventured to the door and was confronted by a gun-toting bandit who ordered her to hand over her valuables.She said that she tried to summon her brother who was at home but was told by the bandit that he would shoot if she attempted to do that.“He tell me that if I wake up meh brother he gon kill he,Jerseys Cheap NFL, so I seh don’t wait till he wake up, do it now, because y’all does come by people and rob them when you should go and look for a wuk,” Bennett explained.She said that the bandit snatched her gold chain and band away from her. The woman claimed that after he did so, she pulled down a scarf that was tied around his face and revealed his identity.She said that she recognized him because he lives right around the corner and also because of the fact that she sleeps with all her lights on. The woman said that Johnson was later arrested at home after a report was made at a nearby police station. The prosecution asked that bail be refused since there are other matters under investigation and involving Johnson.Bail was refused and the accused is expected to make another court appearance on Monday.