標題: Authentic Jerseys Sale start and stop’
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-19 03:51  資料 私人訊息 
Authentic Jerseys Sale start and stop’
– Magistrates’ Association Contrary to what has appeared in sections of the local media,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Magistrates’ Association of Guyana has stated that inquests are ongoing, despite the many challenges facing the judicial system.According to a letter from the Association, as of March 2006 and up to today, a total of one hundred and sixteen (116) inquests have been completed.Also speaking on the issue was acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.Ms Robertson noted that magistrates in every judicial district, including herself, have completed inquests that were assigned to them. She added that these magistrates are still working on the remaining inquests on their respective lists.“This is not a ‘start and stop’ approach” the magistrate emphasised.In addition, it was noted that there are real problems in the conduct of inquests, particularly those that relate to the unnatural deaths of persons several years ago. In many instances, there are witnesses who had given statements then and have since died, or left the jurisdiction, or cannot be found, or no longer have the desire to come forward.Despite summons being dispatched to their last known addresses and the broadcast of radio messages requiring them to attend court on a given date, nothing is availed.Moreover, there is the issue of the current workload of sitting magistrates, who on a daily basis are overwhelmed with civil and criminal litigation and numerous preliminary inquires, which must be given priority. As if this is not enough, there also remains the issue of the shortage of sitting magistrates.Currently, there are at least three magistrates who are supposed to be presiding but,NFL Jerseys Supply, for one reason or another, are unable to perform that duty at this time. These include Magistrates Oneidge Allicock, Maxwell Edwards and Gordon Gilhuys.This newspaper was told that Magistrate Edwards, who was last presiding at courts on the Essequibo Coast, is off the job because of a medical problem. However, despite being off the job for several months, there has not been any formal word stating that he would no longer be practicing.As it relates to Magistrate Gilhuys,Jerseys NFL Cheap, there has been no word from the Judicial Service Commission on his matter. He has been off the bench for several months now,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, following a shooting incident in which a police rank was seriously injured.Nevertheless,Wholesale Jerseys, with all these challenges, several organizations, including the Guyana Human Rights Association, have been calling for inquests to be held in several “unexplained unlawful killings”. For last year, the Police Complaints Authority asked that inquests be held in at least five cases, including the killings of Clifford Gladstone,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, Anthony Yearwood, Leydon Deane, Joseph Greene and Donna Herod.