標題: Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey “Mommy
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-17 16:20  資料 私人訊息 
Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey “Mommy
After hours of deliberations a mixed jury returned a “not guilty” verdict as the Travis Rudder murder trial came to an end yesterday before Justice Dawn Gregory.? Rudder who was 17 at the time of the incident is accused of killing Donnis King on March 23, 2007.Rudder was represented by attorney-at-law Glen Hanoman,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, while Miss Konyo Sandiford, in association with Miss Prithima Kissoon, and Miss Renita Singh, presented the state’s case. As the verdict was brought in yesterday, the court was told that Rudder was not guilty of murder and also of the lesser count of manslaughter.However, even though Rudder was found not guilty, he was taken back to the Camp Street Prison,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, since he is currently serving sentences for possession of illegal arms and ammunition.Hanoman had argued that Rudder was beaten in 2007 when Rudder gave a statement to the police.According to the lawyer, the evidence given by the victim’s mother and brother was not independent, since they were both relatives. He said that the police did a poor investigation.Hanoman said that certain exhibits, which were pertinent to the matter, were lost and hinted that “they have cooked up things”.In rebuttal, Prosecutor Konyo Sandiford admitted that “yes” there are “wicked officers, lawyers, bank clerks…and other public servants”. She had urged the jury to look at this case with a different eye.According to the Prosecutor,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, if Rudder was indeed beaten as the defense claimed,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, the statement would have stated that it was not an “accident”. Sandiford further stated that even if the prosecution was to forget about the “caution statement” given by the accused, he is still not able to destroy the evidence given by witnesses.She said that the victim’s mother saw Rudder and her daughter arguing and the brother saw him running away from the scene.Rudder was located by a party of policemen which included ASP Revindedat Boodram, at the Alpha Hotel, South Road, Georgetown, six months after the killing.Upon being approached by Boodram, Rudder pulled a gun from his waist. Simultaneously,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, a loud explosion was heard and he was shot in his right thigh. He was rushed to the Georgetown Hospital by police ranks.WENDY Blucher,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the mother of victim, had told the court that the shooting of her daughter came after her daughter ended a love relationship because of alleged infidelity, on Rudder’s part.? The woman had sought to explain that the young couple was arguing about a ‘Blow’ accusation by the girl, who wanted to end the friendship. Seconds later a loud explosion was heard. The girl was shot to the abdomen from a .38 revolver.After she was shot, the girl had shouted, “Mommy, come out quick – Travis shoot me.”? Rudder later confessed that he was playing with the gun when it accidentally went off, shooting the young woman.Rudder, now 21, was subsequently charged with murder.Detective Corporal, Royston Blair, another witness who testified yesterday, stated that the accused had made a confession statement admitting that during an argument with Donnis, he was playing with his .38 revolver, which accidentally went off, shooting the girl who later died in hospital.