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註冊 2017-5-25
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Cheap Jerseys From China and further
Having exhausted all his legal challenges, former embattled EzJet boss, Sonny Ramdeo, is set to be sentenced onFor Sentencing: Sonny RamdeoMarch 13 in a Florida court.According to court documents,Wholesale Jerseys, West Palm Beach Court Judge,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Kenneth Marra is to deliver the sentence.Since being found guilty in October 2013,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Ramdeo has filed several motions and other appeals in an about-turn. He was set to be sentenced in November but managed to have the sentencing adjourned.Ramdeo had pleaded guilty to wire fraud. However, he subsequently recanted his plea on the ground that he was poorly represented. That led to him filing several motions to have his guilty plea overturned.Judge Maria had accepted his appeal and appointed a public defender to represent him.Ramdeo is alleged to have embezzled several million US dollars from a hospital chain with which he worked, and plugged some of it into EZjet, a charter that he ran from JFK airport to Guyana, and which spectacularly folded.? The US Department of Transportation suspended the airline services in October 2012.Ramdeo, in one petition to the Court, filed a motion seeking to have the court grant a 20-day extension to his sentencing.According to Ramdeo, he has been representing himself for some time now, is without the adequate resources to properly file a reply, and further, is being held in oppressive incarceration at the Palm County Jail. He signaled his intention also to file a response to the government,Discount NFL Jerseys, but lamented that he is still awaiting access to the legal research from his country jail library.Ramdeo contended that none of the Attorneys who had represented him sought any independent discovery,Wholesale Jerseys, nor did they compel the government to provide all materials available and based on recent filings with the court.According to Ramdeo, he has been incarcerated for over two years and has no access to resources to get information needed to refute the government’s case.Ramdeo has over the course of his incarceration, fired a number of Defence Attorneys as well as changed his plea on several occasions. He has already been found guilty of obstruction of justice,Wholesale China Jerseys, when on a previous occasion he attempted to change his plea.EZjet had been welcomed in Guyana in 2011 for its unbelievably low fares but could not sustain them. Ramdeo is alleged to have used hundreds of thousands of dollars he took from the hospital to keep the charter alive.