標題: Thomas Meunier Paris Saint-Germain Jersey AFC
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-3 21:45  資料 私人訊息 
Thomas Meunier Paris Saint-Germain Jersey AFC
The Alliance For Change (AFC) is calling on the Guyana Police Force to act speedily and bring the perpetrators of last week’s attack on Constable Kevin George to justice.George was shot with arrows and beaten severely by a group of persons at Monkey Mountain,Vincent Janssen Jersey, Potaro,Edinson Cavani Jersey, after he and a colleague had arrested a Brazilian man during a drug raid.He was air-dashed to the city and is receiving treatment at a private medical institution.Police Public Relations Officer, John Sauers,Neven Subotic Dortmund Shirts, told this newspaper yesterday that although a team of investigators was sent to the area no one has been arrested so far.Yesterday at its weekly press conference the Alliance For Change condemned all forms of violence and especially violence against members of the security forces.According to the AFC,Mathieu Flamini Arsenal Jersey, security service personnel risk their lives to make Guyana safe and they deserve the full support of all Guyanese and their communities.“The attack on Constable Kevin George of the Guyana Police Force while he was in the process of carrying out his duties is totally unacceptable and the perpetrators must be brought to justice. This attack on a police rank speaks to an ever increasing ‘wild-west’ type scenario that is fast developing in the interior regions of Guyana and which the Guyana Police Force is ill equipped to address due to the government’s negligence to comprehensively address national security,Ryan Mason Hotspur Jersey UK,” said AFC Member of Parliament Trevor Williams.According to the AFC all Guyanese are aware that crime in the interior is on the increase and the government wants the citizens to believe that it has the situation under control.“How can the situation be under control when ranks of the primary law enforcement agency are being attacked and only by pretending to be dead are they able to save their own lives? If police ranks in the interior come under this type of assault,Guillermo Ochoa Jersey, it boggles the mind to think what ordinary citizens will have to endure,” Williams reasoned.The party said that it understands that the young police rank had to pretend to be dead after overhearing his attackers planning his death.“This was the only way to save his life. He was left on his own to make his way to Georgetown with only the pilot in the aircraft.” The party added that as if that was not enough, the young policeman waited for about two hours at the Georgetown Public Hospital for an X-Ray only to be told that the machine was not working.The Alliance For Change called for a full investigation into the crime and urged the government not to give up, thereby rendering the incident another cold case.The party also urged that adequate resources and manpower be deployed to the interior regions to deal with the upsurge of criminal activities and lawlessness there.“More than that, the AFC demands that the government review its position on national security with the intention of seeking international assistance to address comprehensive reform of the security sector,” Williams told members of the media.