標題: Jetro Willems Jersey East Bank Demerara
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-3 15:20  資料 私人訊息 
Jetro Willems Jersey East Bank Demerara
“Overwhelming, potent and compelling,” were the words used by State Prosecutor, State Teeshana Lake, to describe the evidence presented in the trial of the four persons accused of murdering of 72-year- old Clementine Feidtkou Parris.Murdered: Clementine Feidtkou ParrisFiedtkou-Parris was shot and killed in her home on June 30, 2011 by gunmen, who were reportedly hired to end her life over a property dispute. On the day of the shooting, two men reportedly went to the woman’s Lot 42 Robb Street, Bourda residence and requested an audience with her.Upon hearing the persons requesting her presence, she moved to the door. The gunmen opened fire on her, hitting her several times about the body. The gunmen were paid to end the woman’s life.Orwin Hinds, called “Red Man,” of Burnham Boulevard, Mocha, East Bank Demerara; Kevin October called, “Troy,” of Second Street, Agricola,Douglas Barcelona Jersey, East Bank Demerara; Cleon Hinds, and Roy Jacobs called “Chippie” or “Black Boy” of Evans Street,Chris Mannella Jersey, Charlestown, are facing? Justice Navindra Singh and a mixed jury at the? Georgetown High Court for the murder.The men are being represented by Attorneys -at- Law, George Thomas, Moti Singh,Victor Moses Jersey, Raymond Alli and Maxwell Mc Kay.Lake presented her closing address yesterday. She is appearing on behalf of the State, in association with Attorney at law, Narissa Leander.In her address to members of the jury, the State attorney said that the accused via their own statements, admitted to their role in the shooting incident,Lucas Lima Brazil Jersey, which claimed, the life of the elderly woman.Pointing to pertinent parts of each caution statement of the four accused, Lake noted that the police could not have fabricated such a tale.? Each accused, she further said, had played a part in the murder either by making the arrangement, driving the car or entering the yard, on the night that Feidtkou-Parris met her demise.Prosecutor Lake held that the accused would have given those statements freely and voluntarily and not because the police beat and tortured them as they claimed.She asserted that the men just wanted to capitalize on the bad reputation that a few rogue policemen have given the Guyana Police Force.The prosecutor then turned to the evidence led by a police witness on behalf of the victim’s brother Fitroy Feidtkou, (deceased).??? He is said to have been the sole eyewitness to the execution style killing of his elderly sister.Lake noted that although he is dead, the statements which were presented on behalf of the victim’s brother were admitted as evidence must be counted, as such.She told the panel that Feidtkou had identified Roy Jacobs the number four as the man who shot his sister and the number one as the person who had also been in the yard, that night.In relation to the alibi presented on behalf of Orwin Hinds, the lawyer pointed out that the witness, by her own admission, could not remember how old her son was in 2011 but she could have told the court specific details about Hinds’s whereabouts on June 30 of that same year, including the clothing he had worn.The next witness,? Lake said, led evidence that her foster brother,? Kevin October was already in? police custody at the time, the murder? is said? to have taken place, but she made no attempts to notify anyone,Mario Gotze Jersey, including the media that her brother? is? accused of a crime, he could not have committed.The alibis,Ahmed Kantari Jersey, the Prosecutor said are nothing but gimmicks by the defence.“Is lies they come to tell the court for these men….but it all boils down to who you believe.”Noting that the names of other persons were mentioned in the evidence, Lake called on the jury to essentially ignore the question about the mastermind behind the act since “who we have is on trial.”The Judge is expected to sum up the evidence in the trial and hand it over to the jury for deliberation, when the hearing resumes today.