標題: Mark Bloom Toronto Jersey gold miner
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-2 21:34  資料 私人訊息 
Mark Bloom Toronto Jersey gold miner
After pleading for justice, gold miner,Joel Castro Pereira Manchester United Jersey, Melvin ShewPrasad was a no show at the Lethem Magistrate’s court on June 1, last.? Shew Prasad was allegedly badly beaten by an Army Commander, in the Lethem/Tabatinga area in April.ShewPrasad the morning of the attack, at the Lethem Hospital.Yesterday, after attempting to reach ShewPrasad, an apparent associate of the victim said that the man had left the country. The suggestion was that this was why he had not attended court on the scheduled date.Police at the Lethem Police Station has since confirmed that ShewPrasad was a no show at the Lethem Magistrate’s Court.Kaieteur News understands that the matter has been adjourned and the victim is given two weeks to show up for the case. Should ShewPrasad fail to make an appearance within two weeks, the matter will not be called again until the next three months.ShewPrasad’s ‘associate’ was unable to give any information on his departure and return. Meanwhile the alleged assailant, Randy Flores, was present at the court hearing.ShewPrasad had claimed that he was unaware of the court date. He said that since the assault he had left the Lethem district to get medical attention in the city. He was told by police at the Lethem police station that he will be contacted and notified of any developments into the investigations of his assault,Ederson Brazil Jersey, but they have failed to do so.After deciding that too much time was passing with no word on the investigations, ShewPrasadMelvin ShewPrasadtook it on his own to contact Officer McAllister, the Officer in Charge of the C.I.D ‘F’ Division, Eve Leary.He was then informed that the matter was sent to the DPP for advice, and once again he was told that he will be contacted when,Gregory van der Wiel Jersey, or if a court date is set. He claimed that that was the last he was told. He has refuted the claims by officer Samuels who said that both the victim and assailant were made aware of the court date.The assault against ShewPrasad,Andreas Pereira Jersey, which occurred in the wee hours of Sunday April 12, 2015 at a night spot in Tabatinga, had allegedly stemmed from an incident earlier that evening when the senior officer, requested to borrow money from the victim.ShewPrasad said the man became annoyed after he said that “the only time you does call me is when you want money”.? The gold miner alleges that while at the night spot,Nabil Bentaleb Jersey UK, he approached the officer in a friendly manner but was greeted with an offensive retort. He said that the man accused him of getting disrespectful, to which he replied “Because I didn’t lend you money I am getting disrespectful?”“Move out from in front my face before I lash you,” the man reportedly shouted,Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang Dortmund Shirts, to which ShewPrasad said he responded “seriously”.It was then that the assault began.