標題: Youth Zlatan Ibrahimovic Manchester United Jersey
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UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-1 06:32  資料 私人訊息 
Youth Zlatan Ibrahimovic Manchester United Jersey
Afghanistan (Al Jazeera) – At first glance, Jumhoriat hospital looks like a modern new facility – just the sort of place Afghanistan desperately needs. But when one reaches the front door, it becomes clear that all is not as it first seems.The place is deserted. Two unused ambulances are parked under the entrance canopy,Fabio Borini Liverpool Jersey, and the vehicles are covered with a thick layer of dust. Tiles are falling from the fa?ade. At one place, holes in the brickwork expose the polystyrene that has been used to fill the wall cavities. There are gaps in the doors, allowing Kabul’s dust and pollution to blow into the hospital.Afghan President Hamid Karzai opened Jumhoriat hospital in Kabul on August 16, 2009, with great fanfare.One day later, the hospital closed again. It has not re-opened since.Shoddy constructionThe facility, built by a Chinese contractor and paid for by the Chinese government,Marcos Rojo Jersey, has such poor workmanship that the hospital is not safe enough to open to patients.But there’s another problem: even if the hospital were fit for opening, the government could not afford to run it.Jumhoriat is one of 19 hospitals funded by foreign donors due to be completed within the next two years. The Afghan government can’t afford to run any of them.Al Jazeera was shown an engineer’s survey that lists a catalogue of alarming construction defects in Jumhoriat.The myriad errors are clear even to the untrained eye. The air conditioning exhaust unit, which should be on the outside of the building,Klaas-Jan Huntelaar Netherlands Jersey, has been fitted on a wall in an indoor corridor by a waiting room, and the radiators touch the floor, meaning that when they get hot the plastic floor will meltSuraya Dalil, Afghanistan’s health minister, inherited this mess.Dalil told Al Jazeera that while she is “grateful to the government of China for it’s assistance in constructing this hospital and equipping this hospital”, the hospital is a long way from functioning.“The assessment shows that the hospital needs some refurbishment and some equipment need to be upgraded so that will also require some resources, including financial resources, and some efforts to upgrade the building itself,Chris Smalling Jersey, the construction itself to refurbish some of the equipment and prepare it for a full use,” she said.Dalil is being diplomatic: the survey Al Jazeera has been shown concludes that $44m of remedial work needs to be done to bring the hospital up to international standards.With a total annual health development budget of $135M,Ryan Fulton Jersey, the country’s Ministry of Health cannot afford to do the work, making Dalil’s team scramble to find a private company willing to take on Jumhoriat.“The Jumhoriat hospital will be a kind of public-private partnership in healthcare delivery,” she said. “It will hopefully be a model of public healthcare partnership to a large scale.” She added that services will not be free, but the hospital would have a “welfare fund” to cover poor patients.Lack of OversightOnly the Aga Khan foundation, a private international development agency, has shown interest in running the hospital, but it has yet to make a formal offer.But the government needs someone to take over Jumhoriat soon, and the other 18 hospitals also need running and managing.The health minister hopes that Jumhoriat will prompt foreign health companies to come in and run the other new hospitals.But before the government can start inviting bids for these hospitals, it needs to conduct feasibility studies into each one.While it is unlikely that any of them are structurally as bad as Jumhoriat, the government is not completely sure as none of them were built with any government oversight.This is another major problem that has plagued Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban: hundreds of millions of dollars in aid money have been spent here with almost no co-ordination between donor groups and the government.Need for StrategyThe US government’s aid arm, USAID, is currently building two hospitals.Jumhoriat hospitalKen Yamashita, USAID’s director in Afghanistan, acknowledges the problems the Afghan government is being left with.“In the rush and in the attempt to increase the delivery of services, a lot of building of infrastructure may have taken place, without thinking through exactly what the implications are for the longer term sustainabi