標題: Thiago Silva Paris Saint-Germain Jersey yesterday
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-31 11:02  資料 私人訊息 
Thiago Silva Paris Saint-Germain Jersey yesterday
The two top performers at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certification (CSEC) Examination and the two top performers at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) are now eligible for scholarships to attend institutions of higher learning.This offer, which comes compliments of the Guyana Government, was announced, yesterday, by President Donald Ramotar as he delivered the main discourse at the Ministry of Education’s 16th National Awards Ceremony to honour and duly award top performers of the various 2012 examinations.President Donald Ramotar and Minister of Education Priya Manickchand are flanked by Top CSEC performers. From left are Tamasha Maraj, Karran Singh, Sarah Hakh and Deowattie Narine.According to the President, “We are giving more scholarships than ever to students of this country to attend institutions of higher learning in Guyana and abroad.”“I have instructed our colleagues in the Cabinet to see that the top two students from CSEC and CAPE be given scholarships automatically to study here (Guyana) or overseas.”The President premised his decision on his recognition of the important role that education plays in the area of national development. He pointed to the fact that Guyana has directed some $30 billion to the social sector of which the education system is a major part even as he added that “investing in our country is investing in our future.”The ceremony, which was staged at the National Cultural Centre, saw top performing candidates of CSEC, CAPE, the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) as well as those from the Cyril Potter College of Education, the Guyana Technical Institute and the Carnegie School of Home Economics being presented with awards.Also receiving awards yesterday were top performing differently-able candidates as did the Most Improved Primary, Junior and Senior Secondary Schools.According to Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, the results obtained this year are reflective of the work that was put into the sector for the past several years. However, she admitted that there is yet more work to be done.“There are a number of things that we can do to make the system better because (we know that) investment can bring a return and so you (top performers) have given us hope to continue…you have given us the reason to continue.”The Minister noted that her assumption of the Education portfolio was at a time when major value is placed on the equity of service. This mode of operation, she said, is very evident in the sector thereby allowing for all schools,Fabio Borini Jersey, regardless of their location, to be served.She made reference to the fact that the top performers of the country and even the region are no longer coming from a single school but rather from schools across the country. She was at the time referring to the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) administered CSEC examination which saw Sarah Hakh of the Abram Zuil Secondary School securing the top spot.Over the years students from Queen’s College dominated the top performing spot.As the overall top CSEC performer for the Region and the Country as well as the top Junior Secondary School top performer Hakh was presented with three trophies.She secured Grade One passes in 16 subjects: Agricultural Science (Single Award), Biology, Economics, English A, Food and Nutrition, Home Economics Management, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Office Administration, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, Social Studies, Spanish, Electronic Document Preparation and Management, Physical Education and Sport and Human and Social Biology.Similar accolades were presented to Deowattie Narine and Tamasha Maraj of Bishops’ High School who were adjudged the most outstanding performers for the Region in the areas of CSEC Science and Business Education respectively.At CSEC Narine gained 13 Grade One passes in the subject areas of Additional Mathematics, Agricultural Science, Biology, Chemistry, English A,Loic Remy Jersey, English B, Information Technology, Integrated Science,Manchester United Jersey, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, Human and Social Biology, and Electrical and Electronic Technology.Maraj also wrote 13 subjects among them Economics, English A, English B, Mathematics, Office Administration, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, Social Studies, Electronic Document Preparation and Management; and Additional Mathematics, Caribbean History, Information Technology and Human and Social Biology (Grade II).Securing an award for the Most Outstanding Candidate in Technical Vocational Education at CSEC for the Region was Karran Singh of the St Rose’s High School. He achieved Grade One passes in 12 subjects – Agricultural Science (Double Award), Biology, Buildi