標題: Christian Eriksen Hotspur Jersey UK ? 31
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-30 04:37  資料 私人訊息 
Christian Eriksen Hotspur Jersey UK ? 31
There was some drama in the courtroom of Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus on Friday when a man purported to be dumb started to talk when he realized that he was going to jail.Two men, Navin Arjune,? 28,Joao Carlos Teixeira Liverpool Jersey, of Sheet Anchor Village, East Canje, Berbice and Raphael? Stuffie,Joe Hart Jersey,? 31, of the same village were brought into the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court being presided over? by Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus on a joint charge of break and enter and larceny.When the Magistrate called on Arjune to read the charge to him the man remained mum.? Prosecutor Sergeant Philip Sheriff was then asked to get the man’s attention,Lukas Podolski Germany Jersey, by asking him his name, but he remained mum.The court orderly was then asked to get the man’s attention, but he still remained oblivious to what was going on.The Magistrate then asked the court orderly to repeat the charge to the man after she read same. Yet he still remained unmoved.At the end of the charge which read that on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at Sheet Anchor the men are accused of break and enter on the dwelling house of Khiroon Artiga and stole one Sharp television, one gas bottle,Cesar Azpilicueta Chelsea Jersey, a quantity of window blinds, a set of bed sheets, a set of clothing,Keisuke Honda Jersey, a set of plates and a number of towels to the value of $165,000 all the property of Khiroon Artiga.The charge was subsequently read to Stuffie.Stuffie informed the court that he is a fisherman and pleaded his innocence.? It was around this time that Arjune, much to the amusement of those in court, blurted out that he was innocent and was being constantly harassed. He pleaded with the Magistrate for leniency.They men who were scantily dressed and were barefooted were placed on $120,Ryan Fulton Liverpool Jersey,000 bail each and told to report to the Central Police Station every Friday.The matter continues on 13th December.