標題: Blaise Matuidi Jersey 13 single parents
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 02:29  資料 私人訊息 
Blaise Matuidi Jersey 13 single parents
Some 30 single mothers living in and around Bartica are soon to benefit from the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security’s Single Parent Training programme.According to Ms. Genevieve Blackman, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Industrial Training,Memphis Depay Netherland Jersey, the programme is scheduled to commence in Bartica within another week.Ms. Blackman said the training will be done in the areas of catering,Memphis Depay Jersey, cosmetology and garment construction.The programme is expected to run for a period of six months—three months for the practical training and the other three months for theoretical training. In addition the participants will be taught the basics in English, Mathematics, basic life skills and micro enterprising. On completion of the programme the participant will receive certificates for their different courses.Ms. Blackman said that if these participants after they would have completed training are interested in establishing their own small business they will be introduced to the Women Of Worth programme.The training programme will run from Mondays to Fridays. However the Ministry is yet to find suitable locations where the training sessions will be held.So far the programme has been successfully implemented in all the other administrative regions with the exception of Region Eight.In 2008,Michael Carrick Jersey, Government invited a number of single parents across Guyana to get registered. This enabled the drafting of a single parent database register.Under Women Of Worth,Vincent Janssen Hotspur Jersey UK, GBTI is making available $500 million to single parent women, where they would have access to as much as $250,000 to start up a business or expand an already established business.All sums borrowed attract an interest rate of six percent per annum and for sums over $200,Joshua Kimmich Germany Jersey,000 there is a six-month moratorium on repayments. Sums under $200,000 attract a three-month moratorium on repayment.The maximum period for repayment is 24 months and no collateral is required for the access to WOW financing.The WOW project was officially launched by President Bharrat Jagdeo on June 4 at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC).Recently, 13 single parents,Lazar Markovic Liverpool Jersey, who are the first set of beneficiaries drawn from different parts of the country, received individual cheques of varying sums.