標題: Damien Perquis Toronto Shirts four and six
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-26 20:06  資料 私人訊息 
Damien Perquis Toronto Shirts four and six
During yesterday’s session at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), bids were opened for a firm to provide an external audit into the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI)’s Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Improvement Program (WSSIIP).The WSSIIP was one of two agreements signed between the Government of Guyana and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 2014,Claudio Bravo Jersey, with the other being for improving power supply. The agreements totaled US$96M, with US$31.7M expected to go towards financing the WSSIP.The programme’s mandate was to increase the percentage of households with 24-hour access to water and water pressure, in keeping with national standards. It was also intended to reduce wastage and improve the number of homes with improved access to drinking water and sanitation arrangements.The program’s target areas were in Regions three, four and six, with proposed civil works to include the construction of three new Water Treatment Plants; in Uitvlugt, Region Three,Jason Denayer Jersey, Diamond in Region Four and Sheet Anchor in Region Six.It was expected to also include the expansion of two existing water treatment plants in Georgetown; namely in Sophia and Central Ruimveldt and the rehabilitation of the shelter-belt water treatment facility in Georgetown.There were four firms bidding for the project yesterday.BidderAmountNizam Ali and CompanyFinancial submittedTSD Lall and CompanyFinancial submittedRam & McRaeFinancial submittedJack Ali, Son and CompanyFinancial submittedBids were also opened for a consultancy for hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations, at the proposed Bartica landfill. This comes in the wake of the old site, which has been in a deplorable state.The old garbage site has long been flagged as expired, with many of the opinion that it should have been closed a long time ago. There have also been concerns about the health concerns that the old site presented. However, there was also some delay in acquiring a permit for the new site.BidderAmountGrant Structure EngineeringNACEMCONAE&A ConsultantsNAUnder the Regional Democratic Council, Region No. 10, bids were opened for the upgrade of the main access road in Victory Valley, Wismar,Klaas-Jan Huntelaar Netherland Jersey, and Linden. The engineer’s estimate was $14,Virgil van Dijk Jersey,245,Emre Mor Dortmund Jersey,649.BidderAmountBess Investment$12.7MMk Hussein Contracting$13.4MXL Engineering$13.3MS Jagmohan Hardware$13.1MHoward Hinds$14.1MJPM’s General Construction$11.8MS. Lorrick Contracting$14.7MChung’s Global Enterprise$15.2MBids were also opened for an upgrade of the Access road at Christianburg-Wismar Secondary School. The estimate for this project was $15,446,270.BidderAmountXL Engineering$14.4MChung’s Global Enterprise$17.4MS Jagmohan Hardware$14.4MMK Hussein Contracting$14.5MJPM’s General Construction$15.4MAnd finally,Nacho Monreal Arsenal Jersey, there were bids for the rehabilitation works to be done on Upper Greenheart Street.BidderAmountBess Investment$11.9MMK Hussein Contracting$13.2MS. Lorrick Contracting Service$13.8MHoward Hinds$12.3MXL Engineering$12.2MS Jagmohan Hardware$12.2M